
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Republic's Representative for Madeira hears elected parties today

The Republic's representative for Madeira, Ireneu Barreto, will today receive the parties elected in Sunday's early regional elections given "the urgency of finding a Government solution".

Republic's Representative for Madeira hears elected parties today
Notícias ao Minuto

05:28 - 28/05/24 por Lusa

País Eleições na Madeira

"After the results of the election for the Legislative Assembly of the Autonomous Region of Madeira were known, the representative of the Republic, considering the urgency of finding a Government solution that allows for the approval of a Government Program and a new Regional Budget as soon as possible, will, from now on, start to hear the parties with parliamentary representation", read a note released on Monday by the Palácio de São Lourenço.

Also according to the note released, the objective of the meetings is to gather "the formal and political conditions" to "proceed with the appointment of the president of the 15th Regional Government".

The round of meetings starts at 10:00 am, with the re-elected deputy of PAN - People-Animals-Nature, Mónica Feitas, followed by the representation of the Liberal Initiative (IL), which managed to keep the parliamentarian Nuno Morna.

At the end of the morning, Ireneu Barreto will meet with the CDS-PP, which elected two deputies, including the leader José Manuel Rodrigues, who has served as president of the Madeiran parliament since 2019.

In the afternoon, at 2:00 pm, it will be the turn of Chega, which kept the parliamentary group composed of four deputies, followed by Juntos Pelo Povo (JPP), which increased the representation from five to nine parliamentarians.

At 4:00 pm, the PS will be received, the second largest opposition party, which continues to occupy 11 seats in the hemicycle and is led by Paulo Cafôfo, who on election night assumed that it was possible to constitute an alternative to the PSD government.

The PSD, led by Miguel Albuquerque, who claimed victory by winning 19 deputies, but without an absolute majority, is the last party to meet with Ireneu Barreto.

After Miguel Albuquerque stated on Sunday that he was available to ensure a "government of stability", on Monday the PS and the JPP announced that they will present to the representative of the Republic in Madeira "a joint government solution" and will dialogue with the remaining parties, with the exception of the PSD and Chega, "in order to build more robust parliamentary support".

Also today, the general counting assembly of the elections will take place, scheduled to start at 9:00 am.

Also today, the political commission of PSD/Madeira will meet, with statements to the media scheduled for 6:30 pm.

The early elections in Madeira took place eight months after the most recent regional elections, after the President of the Republic dissolved the Madeiran parliament, following the political crisis triggered in January, when the leader of the Regional Government (PSD/CDS-PP), Miguel Albuquerque, was constituted as a defendant in a process in which suspicions of corruption are being investigated.

Read Also: Results demand responsibility and confirm Albuquerque's "well-doing" (Portuguese version)

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