
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

João Cura Mariano takes office as STJ president on June 4

Succeeds in the presidency of the STJ to Henrique Araújo, who leaves the position for having reached the age limit for the function.

João Cura Mariano takes office as STJ president on June 4
Notícias ao Minuto

10:31 - 28/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto com Lusa

País STJ

Judge João Cura Mariano will be sworn in as president of the Supreme Court of Justice (STJ) on June 4.

According to a note from the STJ press office, the ceremony will take place at 3:30 pm, in the Noble Hall of this court.

It should be recalled that João Cura Mariano was elected by the judges of the Supreme Court of Justice on May 15, for a five-year term.

The magistrate obtained 36 votes, winning in the second round against the vice-president of this court, Graça Amaral, who received 23 votes. In the second round, there were also four blank votes from a universe of 63 voting judges.

In Cura Mariano's letter of willingness to his colleagues, the magistrate highlighted the "importance of this election" and recalled the warnings of the current president, judge Henrique Araújo, emphasizing the need to "establish an intense and constructive dialogue with the other sovereign bodies".

"In a complex society, in chronic crisis and living at the pace of uncertainty, the judicial system must maintain its credibility, functioning as a quiet force in the necessary balance of powers of a democratic state of law. And the Supreme Court of Justice occupies a leading position in Portuguese Justice", he said.

Cura Mariano also defended in his letter that the judicial and procedural laws did not follow the measures required by Henrique Araújo "such as the establishment of the financial autonomy of the courts, the amendment of the rules of access to the Supreme Court of Justice, the revision of the system of appeals, or the reinforcement of advisory services to judges", emphasizing that "an intervention by the legislative and executive powers" is essential.

The new president of the STJ - the fourth figure in the State - was a judge of the Constitutional Court between 2007 and 2016, worked in the Courts of Appeal of Coimbra and Porto and was also a member of the Consultative Council of the Attorney General's Office.

He graduated in Law from the University of Coimbra and began working in the judicial magistracy in 1986. He succeeds Henrique Araújo as president of the STJ, who is leaving the position for having reached the age limit for the function: 70 years.

As the term of office of the president of the STJ is five years, the judge now elected will also not be able to complete his term until the end.

With the victory in this election, the judge also assumes, by virtue of his functions, the presidency of the CSM.

Read Also: João Cura Mariano is the new president of the Supreme Court of Justice (Portuguese version)

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