
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Half of urban fires in Portugal are of malicious origin

Half of urban fires in Portugal are of malicious origin, according to a study by the National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority (ANEPC), which warns of the high risk of occurrences and false alarms.

Half of urban fires in Portugal are of malicious origin
Notícias ao Minuto

14:42 - 28/05/24 por Lusa


In a universe investigated by ANEPC, corresponding to 13% of all urban fires confirmed in mainland Portugal in 2023, "it is found that the malicious origin represents 48%, followed by the negligent origin in 12% of the situations", can be read in the 2023 Fire Safety Yearbook in Buildings, consulted today by Lusa.

According to the study, 25 percent of cases were of accidental origin, followed by inconclusive origin (15%).

ANEPC states that "1840 false alarms were registered in mainland Portugal, a slightly higher value than in previous years, and which led to the activation of 13,592 firefighters and 3947 vehicles".

In total, there were 9,665 occurrences of urban fires last year, half of which occurred in Greater Lisbon, the Porto Metropolitan Area, the Setúbal Peninsula and the Coimbra Region.

Compared to 2022, the Yearbook concluded that the number of fatalities in urban fires in Portugal dropped from 44 to 29 in 2023. The number of injured people is similar.

"Considering the values of the last three years, relating to fatalities resulting from urban fires, it is concluded that in mainland Portugal, on average, 34.25 people die per year", can be read in the document.

Most fires started at lunchtime and there is a higher incidence during the winter.

In total, 7,192 fires were confirmed in buildings in use, and 607 cases were also verified in vacant spaces.

According to ANEPC, "it is worth reflecting on this data and interpreting it, seeking to identify its causes", in a "challenge that constitutes, as the traditional motto of civil protection activity, a true task for everyone and for everyone", says the ANEPC management, chaired by Duarte da Costa.

In the text he signs, the president of ANEPC considers that "only with the joint analysis of all interested parties will it be possible to define strategies that allow improving the safety conditions of the building and, above all, of its occupants".

Read Also: Firefighters stoned when they were traveling to fight fire in Mourão (Portuguese version)

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