
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

RTP provider received 6,352 messages with highlight for bullfights

Last year, the RTP's viewer ombudsman received more than 6,300 messages, with bullfighting being the main topic, although it should be noted that the numbers are "exponentiated" by campaigns that appear on social media.

RTP provider received 6,352 messages with highlight for bullfights
Notícias ao Minuto

15:46 - 28/05/24 por Lusa

País RTP

"I received 6,352 messages last year, which corresponds to a significant increase compared to previous years. The numbers are exponential, in some cases, due to campaigns organised from appeals launched on social media. I imagine that you, members of parliament, have the same problem in your mailboxes", said the RTP ombudsman, Ana Sousa Dias, in the parliamentary committee on Culture, Communication, Youth and Sports.

Bullfighting stands out, a theme that generated more than 2,800 messages for or against this practice.

The ombudsman stressed that these messages are, above all, concentrated in time, that is, during the bullfighting season.

"This means that I am about to start receiving messages", she said, giving the example that she received about 1,000 messages in 24 hours.

Even so, she clarified that the decision of whether or not to broadcast bullfights on RTP does not depend on the ombudsman.

Ana Sousa Dias said that the number of messages on a given subject is important for her approach, but not decisive.

As she illustrated, she once received a message from a woman who pointed out the fact that whenever there is news about pensioners and the elderly, it is accompanied by images showing men playing cards in public gardens.

"Pensioners are tidied up in a public garden, in the Parada garden [...]. I thought it was an unusual but very interesting observation. The news director himself said he had never thought about it", she stressed.

On the other hand, she said that protests against commentators of sports events are recurrent and admitted that there are "unadjusted or overly enthusiastic" comments in relation to a certain team.

Read Also: RTP President recalls that funding has been "frozen since 2016" (Portuguese version)

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