
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

Palestine urges Portuguese government to "truly support Palestinians"

The Palestinian ambassador in Lisbon today urged the Portuguese government to "truly support the Palestinians", joining the European countries that have recognized an independent and sovereign Palestinian State.

Palestine urges Portuguese government to "truly support Palestinians"
Notícias ao Minuto

18:35 - 28/05/24 por Lusa

País Palestina

Nabil Abuznaid welcomed the recognition today given in this sense by Spain, Ireland and Norway, admitting that he does not expect Portugal to do so soon and that he "does not like" to see the Portuguese authorities "at the end of the list" of States that will soon recognise Palestine.

"There is no reason why Portugal should not be at the top of the list. Why is it not today next to Palestine? I hope it is not too late to do so and I am sure that the Palestinians would not forget this position of Portugal in relation to Palestine. But, unfortunately, it has not yet happened and we urge the Portuguese government to do so and to truly support the Palestinians," said the diplomat in an interview with Lusa.

"Portugal will not do so soon. I do not like to see Portugal at the end of the list because we have good relations with Portugal," added Abuznaid, recalling that the "message" sent today by Spain, Ireland and Norway is primarily intended for the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, warning him that this is Palestinian territory.

But the message in which Portugal "fails", he continued, is also intended for "the oppressed peoples of the world" and also for the occupiers, who "must end the occupation and all people must be free in their lives, all people have the right to a homeland, to a country, to freedom".

Asked by Lusa whether Portugal is afraid of Israel, the Palestinian diplomat recalled that "it is good to have friends", but real friends, who tell you not to drive when you are drunk.

[Portugal] knows what Israel is doing and knows the government and says that Israel is violating all international laws, all human laws. And that is why they should advise their friends to stop. Enough is enough. That is why Portugal really needs to talk seriously to its friends. It is like a son. We like our son to behave well and to do what is right. You cannot just ignore him because he is your son," he replied.

Portugal "must be honest" with Israel and tell it "yes, you must change your behaviour", stressed Abuznaid, recalling that the Netanyahu regime, based on the extreme right and ultra-Orthodox Jews, has violated all national and international laws.

"Portugal knows and, therefore, it is time to say so, to recognise Palestine, to tell Netanyahu to stop confiscating land. But it must say so clearly. [...] It is time for Portugal to use its influence to maintain good relations with America, with Israel, and to tell them that enough is enough. Let the Palestinians live in peace. And this is the only way for Israel to live in peace," he added.

Spain, Norway and Ireland today formally recognised Palestine as a State, joining more than 140 countries that have already done so worldwide at a time when Israel has been carrying out a military offensive in the Gaza Strip since October.

The conflict was triggered by the attack by the Islamist group Hamas on Israeli soil on 7 October 2023, which caused around 1,200 deaths and two hundred hostages, according to the Israeli authorities.

Since then, Israel has launched an offensive in the Gaza Strip that has caused more than 36,000 deaths and a serious humanitarian crisis, according to Hamas, which has governed the Palestinian enclave since 2007.

The Israeli Government condemned Spain, Ireland and Norway, arguing that these countries are sending the message to the Palestinians that "terrorism pays off".

Read Also: State of Palestine? Ambassador expects Portugal to maintain its position (Portuguese version)

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