
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

More than half a hundred Ukrainians express in Lisbon support for Zelensky

More than 50 people, almost all of them Ukrainian, gathered today next to the Belém Palace, in Lisbon, to express their support for President Zelensky and to thank Portugal for the help given to Ukraine, at war with Russia.

Notícias ao Minuto

22:35 - 28/05/24 por Lusa

País Guerra na Ucrânia

The initiative, promoted by the Association of Ukrainians in Portugal (AUP), took place in the Belém garden, in front of the official residence of the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, who met and dined with the President of Ukraine.

Volodymyr Zelensky was in Lisbon today for a visit of a few hours, his first to Portugal.

During the visit, Portugal and Ukraine, which was attacked by Russia in February 2022, signed a bilateral cooperation agreement for ten years, under the terms of which Portugal undertakes to provide Kiev this year with military support worth at least 126 million euros, including financial and in-kind contributions.

"Thank you, Portugal", read one of the posters held by the participants of the AUP initiative, among Ukrainian flags, punctuated by the odd Portuguese one.

Holding a flag with the quinas, Roman Stelmakh, a Ukrainian activist who has been living in Portugal for ten years, wanted to thank the country that hosts him for the "consistent, very significant" support given to Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian invasion.

"We feel it and we are grateful", he told Lusa, confident that Ukraine "will not give up".

In Portugal since March 2022, Nadiia Hurtiak wanted to "thank President Zelensky for what he does for Ukraine".

Accompanied by her mother and one of her sons, Nadiia missed her Portuguese class because it was "very important" to express this gratitude. In Ukraine, her husband is in combat, and she speaks to the rest of her family intermittently, "when there are no bombs and there is internet and electricity".

"It's difficult", she said, in broken Portuguese.

Next to her, her mother could not hold back her tears after they both sang their country's anthem together with other Ukrainians.

Maria Pires, a Portuguese woman, was in Belém holding a poster with the words "Russian propaganda kills" in red.

"I admire the fighting Ukrainian people", she told Lusa, considering the President of Ukraine a "proof of strength and courage".

"Together with countries like Portugal, we will win this war", stressed the president of the AUP, Pavlo Sadokha, thanking the country where he lives for the military, financial and reception support for Ukrainian refugees.

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, left Lisbon today in the early evening, after a visit of about six hours.

Read Also: Zelensky ended in Lisbon a tour focused on aid and a Peace Summit (Portuguese version)

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