
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Albuquerque today designated president of the Regional Government of Madeira

The Republic's representative for Madeira will today appoint Miguel Albuquerque as president of the Regional Government, after the PSD won the early elections on Sunday and made an agreement of parliamentary incidence with the CDS-PP.

Albuquerque today designated president of the Regional Government of Madeira
Notícias ao Minuto

06:17 - 29/05/24 por Lusa

País Miguel Albuquerque

The leader of PSD/Madeira will be appointed at 12:00 p.m. at the São Lourenço Palace, the official residence of the Republic's representative in Funchal.

For the Republic's representative, Ireneu Barreto, "the solution presented by the most voted party, PSD, which has a parliamentary incidence agreement with CDS, and the non-hostility, in principle, of Chega, PAN and IL, will have all the conditions to see its program approved in the Legislative Assembly".

On Monday, PS and JPP announced that they would present Ireneu Barreto with "a joint government solution", albeit without an absolute majority, and talk to other parties.

However, the judge counselor considered that this joint solution "has no chance of succeeding in the Legislative Assembly".

"I assume my responsibilities, I will do everything to make this Government work, I hope that others, who have responsibilities at the level of the parliamentary assembly [...] know how to honor the best interests of the region", said Ireneu Barreto, in statements to journalists after having received the parties elected on Sunday.

Regarding the fact that Miguel Albuquerque is a defendant in a process that investigates suspicions of corruption in the region, the judge counselor stressed that the presumption of innocence "is an absolute value", so the situation in which the outgoing president of the Regional Government is found "is not a problem" for him.

Ireneu Barreto also said that he expects Miguel Albuquerque to give him, upon his appointment, "a written text signed" by the social democrat and the leader of CDS-PP/Madeira, José Manuel Rodrigues.

On Monday, "in principle", Miguel Albuquerque will return to the São Lourenço Palace to deliver the proposal with the composition of the new executive, with the representative of the Republic having anticipated that the new regional executive may be sworn in next week.

PSD of Miguel Albuquerque (president of the Madeiran executive since 2015) once again won the regional legislative elections and elected 19 deputies, PS won 11, JPP nine, Chega four, CDS-PP two and IL and PAN one deputy each.

Read Also: Left fails in attempt to remove PSD from power in Madeira (Portuguese version)

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