
  • 18 OCTOBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 22º

DGS recommends protective measures due to predicted heat

The Directorate-General for Health recommends the adoption of additional protective measures against the heat following the forecast by the IPMA of rising temperatures from Thursday onwards, with maximums that could reach 38 degrees.

DGS recommends protective measures due to predicted heat
Notícias ao Minuto

07:29 - 29/05/24 por Lusa

País DGS

The Portuguese Institute of Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) predicts a rise in maximum temperatures in the coming days, which could lead to an increase in the risk of rural fires and has already prompted the issuing of hot weather warnings for four districts.

The districts of Évora, Beja, Santarém, and Portalegre will be under a yellow warning between 11:00 am on Thursday and 6:00 pm on Friday due to the persistence of high maximum temperatures.

In a statement, the IPMA justifies the rise in temperature with the "establishment of an anticyclonic ridge over the Bay of Biscay and a depressionary trough extending from Morocco towards the Iberian Peninsula, which will give rise to atmospheric circulation favourable to a situation of hot and dry weather in mainland Portugal".

For the coming days, a rise in temperature values is expected, especially in the maximum, with values above 30 degrees expected in most of the territory, except for some locations on the western coastal strip, and values between 35 and 38 degrees in the interior of the Central and Southern regions.

An increase in minimum temperature is also expected, with values between 20 and 22 degrees expected in Beira Baixa, Alto Alentejo, and Sotavento Algarvio on Thursday and Friday.

According to the IPMA, these weather conditions, associated with low relative humidity values, will result in a significant increase in the risk of rural fires.

The IPMA predicts maximum or very high values of risk of rural fires in several municipalities in the northern and central interior, as well as in the southern region, with implications for restrictions on the use of fire and permitted activities in rural areas.

"The trend points to a slight decrease in temperature values over the weekend, however, maximum values are expected to remain high in the following days", according to the IPMA.

The wind will be from the northern quadrant, sometimes blowing strongly on the west coast during the afternoon due to the strengthening of the breeze effect and will turn to the east quadrant from the end of Thursday.

Also on Thursday, a cold frontal surface is expected to approach the north of the Iberian Peninsula, which will lead to a temporary increase in atmospheric instability, with the possibility of showers and thunderstorms in the northeast of Trás-os-Montes.

In view of the forecast of hot weather, the Directorate-General for Health (DGS) recommends the adoption of additional protective measures against the heat, advising the population to seek cool and airy or air-conditioned environments.

It also recommends that the population increase their intake of water or natural fruit juices without sugar and avoid the consumption of alcoholic beverages, as well as direct exposure to the sun, especially between 11:00 am and 5:00 pm.

Wearing loose, opaque clothing that covers most of the body, a wide-brimmed hat, and sunglasses with ultraviolet protection, and avoiding activities that require great physical effort, namely sports and outdoor leisure activities, are other recommended additional protective measures.

The DGS also recommends choosing the coolest hours to travel by car and asks for "special attention" to the groups most vulnerable to heat, such as children, the elderly, chronically ill, pregnant women, people with reduced mobility, outdoor workers, people who exercise, and isolated people.

Read Also: Heat increases monkey deaths (and affects birds and bats) in Mexico (Portuguese version)

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