
  • 29 JUNHO 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 20º

Elderly couple dies in house fire in Viseu

Two people, aged 90 and 88, died today, following a house fire in Rebordinho, São João de Lourosa, the deputy commander of the Viseu Fire Brigade, Rui Nogueira, told Lusa.

Elderly couple dies in house fire in Viseu
Notícias ao Minuto

14:51 - 29/05/24 por Lusa

País Viseu

"The alert was given to us by the GNR, which had been called to the location by the neighbors, because they had stopped seeing the couple in their daily routines, and, upon arriving, realized that there were signs of a fire inside the home," the commander said.

Rui Nogueira also told the Lusa agency that "in fact there had been a fire, but it had already been extinguished and confined to a single room" of the house where "the couple lived, a 90-year-old man and an 88-year-old woman".

"When we arrived, the two victims were already showing no signs of life, which was later confirmed by the VMER (Emergency Medical and Resuscitation Vehicle) team that was at the scene, in Rebordinho, in the parish of São João de Lourosa," he said.

According to the commander, the house showed "signs of a fire with high temperatures and a lot of smoke, although confined to a single room, and it ended up extinguishing itself due to lack of oxygen".

Rui Nogueira added that, despite this, "the smoke spread throughout the house, causing damage that makes it uninhabitable, although the structure is apparently intact".

The alert was given at 12:02 and 22 operatives were at the scene, supported by nine vehicles from the Viseu Firefighters, INEM, GNR and the Judicial Police (PJ), which "will now investigate" what happened.

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