
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

Ignoring nurses in the plan could doom it "to failure"

The Order of Nurses said today that the Health Emergency Plan "does not specify" any measure for "the largest professional class in Health", which may "condemn it to failure" and calls for more hiring.

Ignoring nurses in the plan could doom it "to failure"
Notícias ao Minuto

17:06 - 29/05/24 por Lusa

País Saúde

Quoted in a statement by the Portuguese Nurses Association (OE), the president Luís Filipe Barreira argued that "any measure, plan or reform that does not take into account the largest professional class in healthcare is doomed to failure" and warned that nurses should not be expected to "once again sacrifice themselves in exchange for very little or nothing".

"The OE still expects to learn the details of the 54 measures that make up the emergency plan, but it has already identified problems such as the lack of human resources and the lack of measures to promote nurses' motivation. It is not possible to continue with the discourse that it is possible to do more with the human resources we have and in the conditions in which they work. More professionals are needed, but also more motivated professionals, who feel that their professional added value is recognised by those who decide", the statement reads.

The OE considers it "urgent to move forward with a rapid hiring process", stating that official data indicate a shortage of 14,000 nurses in the National Health Service, and also calling for the regularisation of precarious employment relationships, for example, in Local Health Units, as a way to "stop the emigration" of these professionals.

The Health Emergency Plan is organised into five priority strategic axes.

Regularising access to healthcare, ensuring that patients are seen within the clinically recommended time, is one of the axes of the plan, which also aims to create a safe environment for childbirth, strengthen the emergency service, solve the problems of access to primary healthcare, and guarantee access to services qualified to provide mental healthcare.

For each axis, the plan foresees urgent measures, for immediate application, to obtain results within a period of up to three months; priority measures, planned to generate results by the end of the year; and structural measures, with planning and application in the medium and long term.

Read Also: Health emergency plan "has little that is new" (Portuguese version)

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