
  • 28 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 12º MÁX 25º

BE requests investigation into police assault on tuk-tuk driver

The BE councilor in the Lisbon City Council today demanded that the mayor open an inquiry into the assault of a municipal police officer on a 'tuk-tuk' driver, which was shown in a video circulating on social media.

BE requests investigation into police assault on tuk-tuk driver
Notícias ao Minuto

20:54 - 31/05/24 por Lusa

País Câmara de Lisboa

In a request to the president of the Lisbon City Council, Carlos Moedas (PSD), to which Lusa had access, the councilor of the Left Block, Beatriz Gomes Dias, informs that "a video has been circulating on social networks since this Thursday, May 30, in which you can see a municipal police officer headbutting a 'tuk-tuk' driver twice", next to Cais das Colunas,

"This is a serious situation, notwithstanding the inspection action of the Municipal Police, it is not possible for the use of headbutts to be a legitimate use of force by the police forces", stresses Beatriz Gomes Dias.

In a video published on the social network X (former Twitter), a Lisbon municipal police officer can be seen, next to Cais das Colunas, in Terreiro do Paço, running towards a 'tuk-tuk' driver, accompanied by another officer, and headbutting him.

The police officer shouts at the young man and then, questioned by another young man pointing his finger at him, shouts: "Take your finger out of my face, take your finger out of my face, take your finger out of my face, you, man".

"Documents here", orders the officer to the driver, parked before the pedestrian crossing between Praça do Comércio and Cais das Colunas, and, shortly after, tells him again that he is "demanding your documents".

The two police officers position themselves in front of the young man, who raises both arms, and the same officer headbutts him again and pushes him onto the front seats of the 'tuk-tuk'".

In the request, the Left Block "considers that it is necessary to open an inquiry into this action by this municipal police officer to understand what happened and ensure that this type of attitude is not repeated by the Municipal Police".

The councilor also asks Carlos Moedas (PSD) if the council is "aware of this video in which you can see a municipal police officer headbutting a 'tuk-tuk' driver twice" and if the local authority will "open an inquiry into the action of this municipal police officer to find out what happened?".

"How will the CML proceed so that this type of action is not repeated with what appears to be illegitimate use of force by the Municipal Police?", Beatriz Gomes Dias also asks.

When questioned by the Lisbon City Council, an official source referred any clarifications directly to "the Municipal Police" by email, and Lusa has not yet received a response.

Read Also: Municipal Police assaults tuk-tuk driver in Lisbon. Inquiry opened (Portuguese version)

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