
  • 19 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 18º MÁX 26º

Consultant who supported health task force has worked with guardianship for "years"

The Government has admitted that it hired a private consultant to "organize and structure" the work of the 'task force' responsible for the Health Emergency Plan, stressing that the company has worked with the Ministry of Health "in recent years".

Consultant who supported health task force has worked with guardianship for "years"
Notícias ao Minuto

23:39 - 01/06/24 por Lusa

País Saúde

The explanations from the Ministry of Health arise following the question raised today by the Secretary General of the Socialist Party, who questioned the Government about whether any private consulting firm was involved in the drafting of the health emergency plan.

In a note sent to Lusa, the office of the Minister of Health explains that "to organize and structure the contributions/work of the task force, a private consultant was hired, IQVIA Solutions, which is part of the group of consultants that has worked with the Ministry of Health in recent years".

The ministry adds that the contract "is public and is worth Euro9,250 + VAT", promising to publish, at the beginning of next week, "all contracts and respective projects and values of the last 8 years": "Transparency is a fundamental value for governance", it concludes.

The statement adds that the Health Emergency Plan was conceived by the office of the minister and carried out by a 'task force' "composed of a group of experts from different areas of health, coordinated by Eurico Castro Alves", and that none of the members received "any remuneration".

"Over the weeks of work, the task force heard 167 entities that gave their vision on the state of health in Portugal", adds the note in response to the statements made today by Pedro Nuno Santos in his speech at the European rally that took place today in Porto.

Leia Também: Health. PS wants the Government to clarify whether a company was involved in the plan (Portuguese version)

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