
  • 06 JULHO 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 24º

PS MEP accuses Bugalho of lying about the authorship of the European fund

Socialist MEP Margarida Marques accused today the AD's top candidate of lying when he says that the president of the European Commission created the Next Generation EU, and the Left Bloc's Catarina Martins of whitewashing the Government.

PS MEP accuses Bugalho of lying about the authorship of the European fund
Notícias ao Minuto

21:19 - 02/06/24 por Lusa

Política Europeias

In the rally in Viseu with many empty chairs, which ended the seventh day of the campaign for the European elections of June 09, Margarida Marques -- who will leave the European Parliament as she is not part of the PS list - made a speech criticizing many of the socialists' opponents.

"It is very sad to hear Sebastião Bugalho say that it was von der Leyen who created this fund [Next Generation EU]. It's not true. It was not von der Leyen who created this fund", she said, after telling the story of the "very difficult" creation of this fund.

Margarida Marques said that "this proposal was first made with a recommendation from the European Parliament proposed by the socialists" and who approved it at first level was the Eurogroup chaired by Mário Centeno.

After the approval by the European Council, according to the socialist, who played "a fundamental role" on two different occasions was the then socialist prime minister, António Costa.

"We must know who the important actors were to avoid demagogy, misappropriation of political decisions in the European Union", she said.

Two weeks ago, in a pre-campaign action, Sebastião Bugalho said that Marta Temido "has constantly praised the programs that Ursula Von der Leyen authored, namely the 'Next Generation EU'".

Margarida Marques also shot at the BE's head of list, Catarina Martins.

"When we hear Catarina Martins say that with these rules, with this Stability and Growth Pact, the Government cannot create daycare centers, recruit nurses, recruit doctors, it is not true. What Catarina Martins is doing is whitewashing a right-wing government", she accused.

According to the still MEP, the current PSD/CDS executive "implements austerity policies" and justifies itself with the European institutions.

"The Portuguese government has no excuse to promote austerity policies or to say that it cannot solve its problem because Brussels does not authorize it", she defended.

Regarding the extreme right, Margarida Marques criticized the "hidden agenda" and considered unacceptable "the flirting between von der Leyen and Meloni".

"The other heads of the list, because they have no knowledge of the functioning of the European institutions, created the idea that none of them know the European institutions. It is not true", she said, giving as an example Marta Temido's knowledge when she represented Portugal.

Read Also: Temido says that Portugal recovered from the delay due to European funds (Portuguese version)

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