
  • 30 JUNHO 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 22º

Over 10% missed the 8th grade Portuguese assessment test

More than 83,000 students took the 8th grade Portuguese assessment test today, which represents more than 10% of absences compared to the more than 95,000 registered, indicated the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation.

Over 10% missed the 8th grade Portuguese assessment test
Notícias ao Minuto

19:50 - 03/06/24 por Lusa

País Provas de aferição

Of the 95,408 registered, 11,897 missed the Portuguese test for the 8th grade, with the attendance rate set at 87.5%, according to official data from the National Jury of Exams (JNE).

Among the 38 registered for the Portuguese as a Second Language test, 10 students were absent, setting the attendance rate at 73.7%.

The assessment test period began on May 2 and until May 13, the assessment tests for the 2nd year of Physical Education and Artistic Education could be taken, which marked the beginning of another year of national tests and exams.

Then, between May 16 and 27, it was the turn of the 5th-grade students to show their knowledge in Music Education and the 8th-grade students to take the tests for the oral production and interaction component of English.

Read Also: S.TO.P. calls for a national strike against assessment tests starting on Tuesday (Portuguese version)

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