
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Elections? "Neither CDS-PP was a crutch, nor PSD was a surrogate mother"

The president of the CDS-PP rejected today that his party was a crutch in the last legislative elections, or the PSD, coalition partner in the Democratic Alliance, "a surrogate mother", insisting that the centrists were decisive in the electoral result.

Elections? "Neither CDS-PP was a crutch, nor PSD was a surrogate mother"
Notícias ao Minuto

12:07 - 20/04/24 por Lusa

Política Nuno Melo

"Neither CDS-PP was a crutch nor PSD was a surrogate mother. The votes of both were absolutely decisive for the victory over PS and the left and a new political cycle", considered Nuno Melo, at the entrance of the 31st Congress of CDS-PP, which takes place today and Sunday, in Viseu.

In the opinion of the centrist leader, "CDS also showed its usefulness by the votes it added to the right" in the legislative elections of March 10th, in which the centrists went to the polls in the Democratic Alliance coalition, which brought together PSD, CDS-PP and PPM.

"CDS was decisive, CDS did not enter where it is by favour", he stressed.

Nuno Melo stressed that the centrists are in a government coalition with PSD "carrying their uniqueness", as a party "Christian Democrat, humanist, personalist, open to liberal, conservative currents".

"It would make no sense at all a coalition if CDS did not add, CDS adds, added votes, mandates and our uniqueness. We do not dilute ourselves", he assured.

CDS-PP meets today and Sunday in congress to re-elect Nuno Melo as president and choose the new bodies, about a month after the legislative elections that marked the party's return to parliament and government.

Read Also: CDS-PP Congress takes place today and tomorrow (to re-elect Nuno Melo) (Portuguese version)

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