
  • 18 OCTOBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 22º

AD only won because CDS "was there" and criticizes "thought police"

Former CDS-PP president Manuel Monteiro defended today that the Democratic Alliance only won the elections because the centrists "were there" and stressed that the party has values that "are not negotiable", recalling that there is no "thought police".

AD only won because CDS "was there" and criticizes "thought police"
Notícias ao Minuto

19:12 - 20/04/24 por Lusa

Política CDS-PP

These positions were defended by the former centrist leader at the 31st party Congress, in Viseu, in a speech of about 40 minutes in which he stated that the CDS "may even be grateful to the PSD" for having given it "a helping hand in returning to parliament", through the Democratic Alliance (AD) coalition.

"It's true. But the PSD only won the elections because the CDS was there alongside the PSD. We have not forgotten our circumstances, nor are we ungrateful. But it is one thing to not forget our circumstances or to be ungrateful, and another thing to be forgotten or distracted", he maintained.

Monteiro stated that "it is good for the coalition partner to know that there is a coalition and that the government is a government of two parties and not just one party".

"What does this mean? It means that we do not have to apologise, Dr Paulo Núncio, for being against abortion", he defended, in a moment that was greatly applauded.

Monteiro recalled that the CDS "showed its face", positioning itself against the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy in the first referendum, a time when it was "trampled on and whistled at".

"But we were there. From the perspective that we have always had that values are not negotiated, are not put in the background. Because on the day we accept having our values in the background, we cease to have our identity and brand. And if we cease to have them, we are here doing absolutely nothing", he defended.

Monteiro, who was one of the authors of the controversial book "Identity and Family", presented last week by former Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho, said that he had participated "with great honour" in the work and that "he would participate again with even greater desire and enthusiasm" today.

"To say that there is no thought police in Portugal that can prevent us from being free and defending what we firmly believe in. The problem is that there are some people out there who want the votes of the right while disregarding the values of the right. And no one can claim to have the votes of the right while disregarding the values of the right. This applies to us as much as it does to the PSD", he warned.

Read Also: CDS-PP marks its return to parliament with the replacement of the 'Parliamentary Group' plaque (Portuguese version)

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