
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

HE wants debureaucratization and analysis of anti-corruption organizations

The parliamentary leader of the Liberal Initiative today defended as priorities a legislative review to reduce bureaucracy and simplify procedures and an analysis to check if there are entities with overlapping powers in the fight against corruption.

HE wants debureaucratization and analysis of anti-corruption organizations
Notícias ao Minuto

10:52 - 22/04/24 por Lusa

Política Mariana Leitão

These positions were transmitted by Mariana Leitão in statements to journalists, after being received in parliament by the Minister of Justice, Rita Júdice, within the scope of hearings with the parties for the adoption of measures to combat corruption within 60 days.

"The Liberal Initiative once again presented the measures it considers a priority and there was openness on the part of the Minister of Justice. Obviously, today, there was no commitment whatsoever, but the dialogue [with the Government] will continue", said the president of the Liberal parliamentary group.

Among the measures presented by the Liberal Initiative to the minister of justice, Mariana Leitão highlighted the need for "a reduction of bureaucracy and simplification as a way of combating corruption".

"Unnecessary, slow and complex regulations and procedures end up being fertile ground for corruption. On the other hand, we believe that there should be an international competition for regulators. We want to ensure that there is complete independence of these regulators from political power", she justified.

According to Mariana Leitão, it is also essential to "carry out an analysis of the various bodies that exist within the scope of the fight against corruption".

"It is necessary to verify if there is an overlap of competences or incidence of object. We need to find out if this panoply of bodies and entities makes sense, or if, in some way, there could be a reduction", she said.

The president of the Liberal Initiative parliamentary group also stated that her party has a proposal on the regulation of "lobbying" activity since the previous legislature and admitted that it could be resubmitted for consideration by parliament.

As for the criminalization of illicit enrichment, a priority for the PSD and Chega, Mariana Leitão said she had not gone "into that level of detail" in the conversation with the Minister of Justice and only stated that it is a matter "to be seen later".

In the first part of this round of hearings, which began on Friday and is taking place in the Assembly of the Republic, the Minister of Justice received the PAN, PSD, PS and Chega.

Leia Também: IL approves João Cotrim Figueiredo as top candidate for the European elections (Portuguese version)

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