
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

CDS "has as a fundamental priority" to fight corruption

Paulo Núncio defended the "importance of reinforcing measures that aim to make the relationship between political decision-makers and private institutions more transparent".

CDS "has as a fundamental priority" to fight corruption
Notícias ao Minuto

15:19 - 22/04/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Política CDS-PP

CDS-PP parliamentary leader, Paulo Núncio, reiterated on Monday that the party's "top priority" is fighting corruption and presented a series of measures to the Minister of Justice, Rita Júdice.

"CDS's top priority in this legislature is to fight more effectively against corruption", he stated to reporters after a meeting with the Minister of Justice at the Assembly of the Republic.

"It is indeed a priority that we will fight for in this legislature because we believe that fighting corruption more effectively is essential to having a more transparent society and to strengthening the credibility of democratic institutions", he added.

Paulo Núncio said that, during his meeting with the Minister of Justice, he had "the opportunity to mention that for CDS it is very important to strengthen measures that aim to make the relationship between political decision-makers and private institutions more transparent, regulating 'lobbying' and strengthening measures to prevent corruption situations".

The party also presented a "set of very important measures" within the scope of "repression and punishment of corruption", which include "criminalising illicit enrichment", a "significant increase in human resources for combating, investigating and prosecuting corruption crimes" and a "harsher punishment for corruption crimes and extending the statute of limitations" for these crimes.

It should be noted that the Minister of Justice, Rita Júdice, is meeting with the parties with parliamentary seats to adopt measures to combat corruption within 60 days.

In the first part of this round of hearings, which began on Friday and is taking place at the Assembly of the Republic, the Minister of Justice received PAN, PSD, PS and Chega.

Read Also: Corruption. "The AR is the right place to discuss these matters" (Portuguese version)

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