
  • 18 OCTOBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 22º

Chega presents a proposal for IRS exemption up to 1000 euros

Proposal submitted, on Monday afternoon, to the Assembly of the Republic.

Chega presents a proposal for IRS exemption up to 1000 euros
Notícias ao Minuto

16:41 - 22/04/24 por Notícias ao Minuto com Lusa

Política CHEGA

Chega President André Ventura announced this Monday that the party proposed that income up to 1000 euros be exempt from IRS and a "readjustment of the brackets" to benefit those who earn up to 2000 thousand euros.
Ventura spoke to journalists from Chega's headquarters in Lisbon, during the presentation of the proposal regarding IRS. When asked if a rectified budget would be necessary to accommodate this proposal, the leader of Chega considered that it "made sense" and pointed out that his party "has already made itself available to make it viable", so the PSD "would not even need the PS". "The proposal we present today establishes an exemption of up to 1000 euros of income and allows for the most benefited brackets to be precisely those in which 1000 euros or 1,500 euros are earned", he said, referring to the "vast majority of the Portuguese people". "With an exemption threshold of 1000 euros, all brackets will benefit from a reduction, for the simple reason that, being a progressive tax in its scaling, it is divided into taxable bases, which means that everyone will end up benefiting", he explained. By way of example, he stated that for a salary of 1,500 euros, with the "PS proposal there would be a relief of 31 euros" and with the Government's "an increase of 4.60 euros", indicating that Chega's translates into almost "10 euros of tax relief". According to Ventura, "the number of brackets remains, the thresholds change". "There is a readjustment of the brackets", he said, estimating that the cost would be "1,175 million euros". "This proposal focuses on the vast majority of the working Portuguese people, who feel the weight of taxes and not on those who earn a lot because they honestly don't need as much tax help, nor on those who do nothing and don't work", he said. "We want a tax reform that, for the first time, and we thought that was what the AD also wanted to do, that would meet those who work, who have felt the weight of the tax burden (...) to be able to then give the sign of relief, immediate, this year, to taxpayers", he added, referring that he expects from the PSD and the PS "openness" so that this proposal, which has already been submitted to the services of the Assembly of the Republic, can be approved as a counterproposal to the Government's. André Ventura admitted that "this was not yet what the right had promised" and regretted "that the Government did not give a sign" so that the parties could "add what was missing". "However, if we present the proposal as we had in the electoral campaign, they will accuse us of trying to block the Government, of not allowing tax cuts. That is why what we wanted was, responsibly, to give a sign that this Government proposal is lousy, most people will feel [the equivalent of] two coffees of relief, or one, and give a sign that they will effectively have serious tax relief in their pockets this year", he defended. The leader of Chega argued that his party proposes "a very significant increase compared to the Government's proposal, but it is still not quite the proposal" that should "be presenting" and blamed the executive for presenting "such a low and unambitious proposal" and of wanting to "benefit those who have more and continue to suffocate the middle class". Ventura said that he will try to "reach some consensus" with the AD, to whom he asked for "a sign of goodwill", and admitted also talking to the PS and IL to try to get his proposal approved. "If there is a total unavailability, either from the PSD or the PS, to vote on these proposals and give this tax relief, we will not be the ones to prevent taxes from being lowered, we will vote to abstain, but with a great sense of disappointment and frustration", he indicated. Ventura also added that Chega will submit another proposal in the fiscal area, so that young people up to 35 years old are exempt from IRS "until they reach 100 thousand euros" of income since the beginning of their professional activity. On Friday, the PSD/CDS-PP Government approved a bill to reduce the marginal IRS rates for all brackets, with the exception of the 9th, which applies to annual taxable income above 81,199 euros. [News updated at 6:02 pm] Read Also: Are you entitled to automatic IRS? Take note of this advice from the Tax Authority (Portuguese version)

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