
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

IL now votes in favor of IRS proposal but wants only two tax brackets in the State Budget

The IL will vote in favor of the Government's bill to reduce the IRS, but proposes that in the next Budget this tax should only have two levels, with rates of 15% and 28%.

IL now votes in favor of IRS proposal but wants only two tax brackets in the State Budget
Notícias ao Minuto

17:02 - 22/04/24 por Lusa

Política Iniciativa Liberal

These positions were transmitted to journalists at the Assembly of the Republic by Bernardo Blanco, a deputy and leader of the Liberal Initiative (IL).
"For these months, once again, not being the tax reduction we would expect, we will vote in favor of the Government's proposal, because although, I would say, almost very derisory, it is obviously more money in the pockets of the Portuguese, even if it is very little", he declared. For the future, to take effect from the next State Budget, the IL submitted a bill that, according to Bernardo Blanco, corresponds to a reduction in IRS "seriously, unlike the one presented by the Government". The IL wants to reduce the number of levels from nine to two, he added, noting that "all income of all Portuguese up to the national minimum wage is exempt, so the rates only apply above that value". According to the IL's bill, the first bracket will include annual taxable income up to 13,945 euros, subject to a marginal IRS rate of 15%, and in the second bracket, with a rate of 28%, income above that amount.
Read Also: IL criticizes "large" cast and welcomes "balance" of politicians and society (Portuguese version)

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