
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

PS defends that its tax relief project is fairer

Socialist parliamentary leader Alexandra Leitão stated today that the PS project for tax reduction "has more tax fairness, is more redistributive and reaches more people" than the executive's proposal.

PS defends that its tax relief project is fairer
Notícias ao Minuto

11:26 - 23/04/24 por Lusa

Política PS

"What you will find in the bill is a greater redistribution, it is a greater relief for incomes between 1000 and 2500 euros", defended Alexandra Leitão at a press conference in parliament.

For the PS parliamentary leader, her party uses "in a much fairer way" the margin of 348 million euros that the Government presented in its bill for tax relief, ensuring that the socialists' proposal "has more tax justice, is more redistributive and reaches more people".

Questioned about the PS's vote on the bill that will be discussed in parliament on Wednesday, Alexandra Leitão began by saying that the PS, "as a responsible party", presented this bill that complies with what is in its electoral program, namely, the "reduction of IRS for the middle classes within the budgetary margin".

"We also expect our project to be approved. Within this responsibility and within this expectation that we have, this question can, in fact, be returned to other parties, we are available for parliamentary debate and at this moment we do not anticipate more. We have a project, it is in this that we essentially see ourselves", she replied only.

As reported on Monday by the Lusa agency, the PS wants to concentrate the IRS tax relief decided by the Government on the lowest income brackets, defending a greater reduction in rates in these brackets than the government's proposal and a reinforcement of the minimum existence.

Read Also: "The PSD continues to manage everything it does in a haphazard and clumsy way" (Portuguese version)

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