
  • 21 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 24º

PS, BE, PCP and PAN defend wage increases and better conditions

PS, BE, PCP and PAN marked their presence today in the traditional May 1st parade in Lisbon, and defended salary increases and better conditions for workers.

PS, BE, PCP and PAN defend wage increases and better conditions
Notícias ao Minuto

18:26 - 01/05/24 por Lusa

Política 1.º Maio

BE coordinator Mariana Mortágua considered that workers face issues such as "low wages, long working hours, much precariousness, many temporary contracts".

"We want less working time, better wages and more stable living conditions, because in the end that's all we seek to have a better life and a better future", she argued, considering that "the country becomes stronger, grows more, is more equal, if it is able to pay better wages, give better working conditions, give more stability in employment, but also less working hours".

The BE leader highlighted some of her party's proposals, namely the increase of the minimum wage to 900 euros and the implementation of the four-day work week and wage ranges.

Mariana Mortágua accused the Government of giving "contradictory signals" and mentioned that "there is no serious commitment to increasing the minimum wage, nor any proposal to increase average wages".

On the occasion, the BE coordinator was also questioned about the dismissal of the ombudsman of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa and stated that the "exchange of chairs" does not solve "the country's problems", accusing the executive of "confusion after confusion" and of still not having done anything concrete since it took office.

Also present in the march between Martim Moniz and Alameda D. Afonso Henriques, the PCP secretary-general considered that this is "a great demonstration of strength", in which workers demand "fair demands for a better life, for more wages, more rights, against precariousness, for decent working hours" and for more justice "in the distribution of wealth".

The communist leader warned that the Government "is not free to do as it pleases" and argued that those "who work every day are the ones who make the country work, who make the economy work, and deserve respect, appreciation and a better life and more salary".

"It would be good if the Government, once and for all, fulfilled the promises it made to various professional sectors" and "stopped submitting to the interests of others, namely Brussels, and submitted to the interests of the majority", said Paulo Raimundo.

The PS's top candidate for the European elections, Marta Temido, pointed out that May 1st is "a party, a celebration of work and the importance of work as a fundamental value of the structuring of societies".

The deputy pointed out "the importance of work on the European agenda" and pointed out that the candidates for the European Parliament have "a great responsibility in relation to a set of commitments, with an agenda of more decent work, better wages, naturally, always with more employment, but also with better living conditions for workers".

"What Europe has assumed and that Portugal has translated into its national targets in relation to the employment rate, in relation to the rate of adult population undergoing training that allows them to deal with the new challenges of the world of work, in relation to the reduction of poverty, are challenges that are not just to be written on paper", said the PS candidate and leader.

Also questioned about the ombudsman of the Santa Casa, the former Minister of Health said that this process "raises concerns" and that it is necessary to wait for the explanations of those involved in parliament "to understand what happened in concrete terms".

The PAN spokesperson considered that it is necessary to "guarantee the dignity and appreciation of workers" and defended an "agenda for the 21st century", which is reflected in an "economy of happiness and well-being".

The sole deputy of Pessoas-Animais-Natureza also mentioned that it is "fundamental to resume the negotiation regarding the appreciation of various careers, such as nurses, teachers and security forces", asking the Government to leave "the politics of propaganda".

Inês de Sousa Real also insisted on updating the IRS scales taking into account inflation, defending the need to "relieve the tax burden, which is too heavy for workers".

Leia Também: Novas regras orçamentais da UE são "mais uma peça de ataque à soberania" (Versão portuguesa)

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