
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Marcelo "committed treason against the Fatherland" and "does not deserve to be President"

Chega's president spoke, this Sunday, about a possible criminal action against the Head of State, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, within the scope of his statements about reparations to former colonies. Putting on the table the hypothesis of an "unprecedented" action in democracy, which would remove Marcelo from office, Ventura defends that Chega does not want Portugal's future to be one in which there are "remorse for its History".

Marcelo "committed treason against the Fatherland" and "does not deserve to be President"
Notícias ao Minuto

16:53 - 05/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto com Lusa

Política André Ventura

Chega leader André Ventura held a press conference on Sunday, in which he spoke about various topics, namely, the attack on immigrants in Porto and also about the possible criminal action he wants to take against the President of the Republic following the statements about the former colonies.

"The President politically betrayed the Fatherland. If there were a political process for impeachment, I would start it. I think he no longer deserves to be President of the Republic", he said, after stressing that political and legal issues are distinct.

Regarding the political issue, Ventura pointed out that the Assembly of the Republic would eventually have to meet within 48 hours, form its own committee, and create an accusation.

 The country that Chega does not want to leave for the future is the country that has regrets about its History

"It would be unprecedented in the History of Portugal for a President at the end of his term to be accused of treason against the Fatherland. And it would be a political sign that our History perhaps deserved to settle accounts with its past", he pointed out.

In order for Chega to open a criminal case against Marcelo, they would need 2/3 of Parliament, which means that they would "always" need, as Ventura recalled, the Socialist Party and the Social Democratic Party. "From what I've heard, the PS and PSD have already said that they will not support an issue like this", he said.

"I think the country has to resolve its historical conscience and this is the moment. And Chega has more strength than ever to be able to impose this vision. The country that Chega does not want to leave for the future is the country that has regrets about its History or that settles accounts with its History in the sense of saying: 'We are responsible for what happened'. If it is a political sign, it can only have its strength too, but, as I say, I really want to hear from Chega's parliamentary group. And experts. I have received word from lawyers and experts saying that it is possible. Others saying that it is not", he assured.

From the political issue to the criminal one, Ventura was confronted with article 130 of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic, on which the "unprecedented" initiative would be based. According to the article, an eventual conviction would imply dismissal from office and the impossibility of re-election - and the leader of Chega was asked if that was the objective. 

"That would be the consequence. Article 130, which has never been used in a Democracy, would refer to that. But this has nothing to do with Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa as a person - whom I respect, firstly, for being President, and secondly, for being someone I admire as a person. It is the conduct as President of the Republic that led to this", he distinguished, speaking about the actions of Marcelo's predecessors. "Not even the first Presidents after April 25 ever dared to say that Portugal had to compensate its former provinces. Not even Dr. Mário Soares, who brought the FP-25, with amnesties, to the political system, dared to say that Portugal should compensate its former overseas provinces", he said.

The leader of Chega also considered that the situation is not a matter of opinion, since "the President does not have opinions when he is in office", and recalled that São Tomé and Brazil have already 'opened' the way to a request for historical reparation. "Imagine if all the countries where we have been start asking for the return of works of art, compensation and indemnification", he said.

Read Also: Criminal action by Chega? "It's life. It's part of democracy", says Marcelo (Portuguese version)

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