
  • 21 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 24º

Montenegro projects PSD "even stronger, more united and cohesive" in the future

PSD president and Prime Minister, Luís Montenegro, considered today that his party "indelibly shaped the course of the democratic regime" and indicated that in the coming years it could become "even stronger, united and cohesive".

Montenegro projects PSD "even stronger, more united and cohesive" in the future
Notícias ao Minuto

08:02 - 06/05/24 por Lusa

Política PSD


This position was conveyed by the social-democratic leader in a text published on the party's 'website' regarding the 50th anniversary of the PSD, entitled "Preparing for the next 50 years".

"The future of the Social Democratic Party is built every day on the balance between experience and renewal, between firmness of values and flexibility of action, between identity and evolution. A future that we are already preparing today. The changes that we approved last November within the scope of the statutory revision project our party to, in the coming years, be even stronger, more united and more cohesive", stresses Luís Montenegro.

The social-democrat also projects a PSD "with ever more transparency and ethical commitment, with more participation, more openness to society, more independent, with more simplicity, justice and efficiency in internal procedures, with more gender equality" and also "with more young people".

"Because the future is renewal, it is change, it is new ways of seeing and understanding the world. Giving them space to grow, tools to prepare and qualify themselves. Not only to renew our staff with new blood, but above all so that Portugal can count on a rejuvenated and strengthened social democracy in the years to come", he defends.

Looking to the past, the PSD president also stresses that the history of the PSD "indelibly shaped the course of the democratic regime over its 50 years of existence" and "gave it the sign of humanism and economic and social progress that only a social-democratic vision conveys".

Montenegro argues that, without the PSD, "Portugal would not only be different, it would certainly be more imperfect and incomplete".

The PSD directed Portugal "decisively towards the social state, towards the social market economy and towards a model of a free, just and equitable society", based "on equal opportunities and the valorisation of merit" and that "values free initiative without ever losing sight of solidarity, and that leaves no one behind", he refers.

"A tolerant society that promotes consensus, with respect for difference and the uncompromising defence of freedom of expression and pluralism, a society where the State is at the service of the people and not the people at the service of the State, in which it is the guarantor of access to essential public services for all and not just for some. A modern society, open to Europe and the world, with an Atlantic vocation", adds the prime minister.

In this message, the PSD leader also evokes "all the men and women -- members, supporters, leaders -- who over time have made the party great with their dedication, work and example".

And he pays homage to "those who went to the polls and won and those who went to the polls and lost", to those who "never gave up on the social-democratic ideal, nor on the country".

"All those who, invested by the democratic vote, fulfilled with honour, zeal and responsibility the public functions that the people entrusted to them, in a Parish Assembly or in the Presidency of the Republic", indicates Luís Montenegro.

The then Popular Democratic Party (PPD) was founded on May 6, 1974 by Francisco Sá Carneiro, Francisco Pinto Balsemão and Joaquim Magalhães Mota, having been registered in the Supreme Court of Justice on January 25, 1975.

The name and acronym were changed to Social Democratic Party (PPD-PSD) on October 3, 1976.

The PSD starts today with the commemorations of the 50th anniversary of the party, which will extend over a year and will include an exhibition, conferences, a renovated national headquarters and a major final event.

Read Also: PSD celebrates 50th anniversary for a year. Celebration begins Monday (Portuguese version)

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