
  • 24 OCTOBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 23º

"It will not happen". Temido assures that he will not leave PE to become mayor

Former Health Minister spoke about her candidacy for the European Parliament and assured that she wants to be an MEP until 2029. The socialist also spoke about the challenges faced in the face of the international context and argued that the return of compulsory military service "is not the best way" and should be the "last option".

"It will not happen". Temido assures that he will not leave PE to become mayor
Notícias ao Minuto

21:15 - 07/05/24 por Carmen Guilherme

Política Marta Temido

Marta Temido, the head of the Socialist Party (PS) list for the European elections, rejected, this Tuesday, that her candidacy "is a lack of respect for voters" after being elected as a deputy in the Assembly of the Republic in the last Legislative and ensured that she will not leave the European Parliament (EP) for a candidacy for the Lisbon City Council. "I do not consider it to be a lack of respect for voters", said the socialist in an interview with TVI and CNN Portugal. "The work that we intend to do in the European Parliament is a continuation and work in the same line that we would do in our Parliament. It is just a change of workplace. The struggles, the values, the priorities are the same", she added, arguing that she maintains her "commitment" to the people who elected her. Confronted with the challenge left by Sebastião Bugalho, head of the Democratic Alliance (AD) list for the Europeans, for the candidates to make it clear whether they will fulfill their mandate until the end, the former Minister of Health also assured that "yes". "As far as the imponderables of life are and I am obviously referring to circumstances that we do not control, of life and death, allow me to say yes. Obviously yes", she said. Asked about the statements she made in October last year, in an interview with Expresso, in which she said that she would like to be a mayor, Marta Temido reiterated that she will not leave the European Parliament, namely for a possible candidacy for the presidency of the Lisbon City Council. "That will not happen", she said. "My commitment, now, is to this project", she added. Asked if she categorically rejects the possibility of being mayor, in the near future, of the Lisbon City Council or any other municipality, Marta Temido reinforced: "With all tranquility". Return of compulsory military service "is not the best way" and should be "last option" In the same interview, Marta Temido also spoke about the war in Ukraine and the fact that Vladimir Putin took office today as president of Russia, in what is his fifth term. The socialist understands that the position taken by Moscow "constitutes a threat" to the peace project built in the European space and that Ukraine is "the object of aggression". "It is clear that the position that has been taken by Russia constitutes a threat to what is a project of peace and prosperity that had been being built in the European space and which had, has, prospects of enlargement. Therefore, yes, the terrible war that we have witnessed in Europe and, unfortunately, a scenario that some of us could hardly anticipate, means that we cannot rest as long as bombs continue to fall on European soil", said the former minister. "We look at Ukraine, from the outset, as a country that was the object of a war, of aggression, that was the object of an invasion and that has shed its blood for the defense of ideals in which the European project also identifies itself", she clarified. Faced with this context and with the issue of the return of compulsory military service under discussion, the socialist candidate for the European Parliament recalled that, "in several areas", the obligation "is not necessarily the best strategy to guarantee people's adherence". "It is evident that those who study these dossiers more deeply understand - and we have already heard several comments on this subject in recent times - understand that this may be a path, but it is probably not the best path. We know, in several areas, that the obligation, the imposition, is not necessarily the best strategy to guarantee people's adherence", she said. Marta Temido considered that there are "several models", but that "the mandatory one is probably the least advisable". "May we have to resort to it? We may. Do we hope not to have to reach such a situation? I think we all hope", she pointed out. Asked if, in her case, it is the last option, Marta Temido was clear: "It is the last option". The socialist recalled that the campaign will start soon and that the candidates will be "on the streets talking about Europe". "All the values ​​that form this Europe in which so many have invested and which is, deep down, such a beautiful project of peace and shared prosperity, are at stake and that is what we must bear in mind in the decisions we are going to make", she said. Regarding the possibility of repeating the results of the Legislative, namely a growth of Chega, in these Europeans, Marta Temido stressed that she will not only fight for victory. "We will fight by all means so that not only do we have a victory, but so that the democratic forces can remove as much as possible what, in our perspective, are answers that do not represent our democracy", she added. [News updated at 10:21 pm]
Also Read: Chega and PS are only enemies "when it suits them", says Cecília Meireles (Portuguese version)

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