
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

Bugalho wants "one more point" than his age. "I am more pro-European"

The former commentator assured "to believe in the European project", having considered that his lack of experience could be seen as an advantage.

Bugalho wants "one more point" than his age. "I am more pro-European"
Notícias ao Minuto

21:30 - 10/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Política Eleições Europeias

The Democratic Alliance (AD) candidate, Sebastião Bugalho, highlighted, this Friday, that the collective that brought together the Social Democratic Party (PSD) and the CDS-PP proposes "a project of freshness" for the European elections, also counting "on experience", in order to "take a voice from Portugal to Europe that makes Portugal stronger".

Assuming that he is "not an ex of anything or a resignee of anything", Sebastião Bugalho assured, in an interview with CNN Portugal, that he accepted to take the place of AD candidate because he "believes in the European project", having considered that his lack of experience could be seen as an advantage.

"I didn't have to resign from public office, I didn't have to leave public office. I don't think my inexperience - which is obvious, because I'm 28 years old, I'm still gaining it - is a disadvantage; on the contrary. Our project is a project of freshness and, in addition, our team also has experience. In this sense, I believe that there is a political balance in this candidacy. This candidacy is different from the others and that is precisely why it deserves the trust of the Portuguese", he said.

Confronted with his opinions from 2016, in which he showed himself somewhat against the European project, the former journalist admitted to being "more pro-European, but Europe also is".

"In 2016, I was going to turn 21 and I was critical of the state of the European Union (EU). But, in a way, we were all a little bit. In 2016, Europe was losing one of its most important partners from a cultural and defensive point of view, the United Kingdom. In 2016, the refugee crisis had a response that, in my opinion, was late, which cost innocent lives who were looking for a better life in Europe. We had a Eurogroup president who said that the southern countries, such as Portugal, were only interested in women and drinks. Therefore, understand that, for me, it was a little difficult not to be critical of Europe in this context. I am more pro-European, but Europe also is", he defended.

Sebastião Bugalho, who highlighted having assumed the position of AD candidate as an independent, also added that he intends to "take a voice from Portugal to Europe that makes Portugal stronger", not even considering "the possibility of losing". In fact, the young man aims to obtain "one more point" of votes than his age, that is, 29%.

"I will not make personal attacks on Marta Temido. In fact, in this pre-campaign, I called her precisely to wish her the best of luck"

Questioned about the criticisms he made as a commentator against the Socialist Party (PS) candidate and former Minister of Health, Marta Temido, the young man refused to "make assertive statements", having pointed out that his opinion that the socialist was the worst responsible for the guardianship "has more to do with facts than with value judgments".

"I will not make personal attacks on Marta Temido. In fact, in this pre-campaign, I called Marta Temido precisely to wish her the best of luck and happiness. I did it with the greatest democratic courtesy. Not wanting to avoid the question, I was critical of Marta Temido's term as Minister of Health, not specifically in the management of the pandemic, but in the results that the National Health Service (SNS), in my opinion, should have delivered to the Portuguese and could not, even with a brutal increase in public investment", he said.

Bugalho went further, having highlighted that he was "critical of Marta Temido's term because the Portuguese expect more from the SNS and have reasons for that", and that the then Minister of Health "achieved the opposite of what she wanted".

"She wanted a more public SNS, with more responsibility with the State, and what she achieved was a SNS more dependent on the private sector and the Portuguese, unfortunately, more dependent on resorting to health expenses. Being critical of this management of the SNS, I have the greatest personal solidarity for Marta Temido, because she was minister during a pandemic - it is something that no one wants", he said.

[News updated at 9:59 pm]

Read also: Sebastião Bugalho wants "the best for Portugal in Europe" (Portuguese version)

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