
  • 21 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 24º

Book. The conflict in Palestine dominates the debate on the program for the European elections

The conflict in Palestine dominated today's debate on the Free Party's provisional programme for the european elections, with a proposal that defended the condemnation of Hamas dividing the opinions of the congressmen who ended up changing it.

Book. The conflict in Palestine dominates the debate on the program for the European elections
Notícias ao Minuto

18:26 - 11/05/24 por Lusa

Política Livre

At issue was an amendment proposal defended by Bárbara Tengarrinha that defended the inclusion, in the program, of the condemnation of all acts of terrorism, such as those of October 7, 2023 perpetrated by Hamas, considering that these "have served to strengthen the ultra-orthodox far right and the forces hostile to the two-state solution".

This proposal ended up being changed by its proponent, removing the reference to Hamas after a heated debate on the subject.

During the debate, activist Miguel Santos defended that if there is something to condemn today "it is the genocide committed by Israel" considering that peace will only be achieved when it ends.

"Let's focus on what's important. On the condemnation of the State of Israel", he said, shouting "Palestine will win", a statement that triggered a long standing ovation from the audience.

Bernardo Mata, another activist, came to the defense of the amendment, considering that the party should clearly condemn terrorist attacks wherever they come from, recalling that Hamas has caused victims and continues to do so.

The Livre party is meeting until Sunday in a congress, in Costa de Caparica, in Almada, in the district of Setúbal, to elect the new internal bodies and approve the electoral program for the European elections of June 9.

In the electoral program proposal, a 94-page document that is being debated today and whose final version will be approved on Sunday, the party lists 18 topics for electoral scrutiny in the next European elections, ranging from democracy to international trade.

However, the debate on the document with reference to amendments focused on the area of foreign policy, with special focus on the issue of Palestine, a topic that has repeatedly led to a collective ovation for a "free Palestine", but also on the invasion of Ukraine.

In this chapter, Livre defends the recognition of Palestine as an independent state, "in line with the 1967 borders defined by the United Nations, defending the right to self-determination of the Palestinian people, with a view to implementing the internationally recognized two-state solution -- Israel and Palestine -- as a necessary condition for peace and security in the region".

The party also advocates support and promotion, with the EU and the UN, for an immediate and definitive ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and the entry of humanitarian aid to the population.

On the other hand, it condemns all actions that go beyond what is contemplated in International Humanitarian Law, including the continuation of the settlement policy and the actions of occupation and oppression of Israel in the West Bank, and defends support for all international justice efforts to investigate war crimes and genocide.

After this debate, Rui Tavares took to the pulpit to defend the recognition of the State of Palestine and its integration as an effective member of the United Nations, a matter that he said had already been the subject of a draft resolution by his party in the Assembly of the Republic.

The Livre spokesman also made a reference to an amendment to the party's electoral program, appealing for a favorable vote, so that "the UN, in addition to having diplomatic representation from the States that are part of it, should also have a Parliamentary Assembly that represents all the parliaments of the organization".

Read Also: Livre "has to be prepared to govern", says Rui Tavares (Portuguese version)

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