
  • 21 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 24º

Book wants plan for affordable housing and EU minimum wage

A European plan that guarantees affordable housing, a "new European minimum wage" and putting an end to "Fortress Europe" through a "more humanist" asylum system are some of the measures in the preliminary program of the Free European.

Book wants plan for affordable housing and EU minimum wage
Notícias ao Minuto

19:38 - 11/05/24 por Lusa

Política Livre

"This program that we are debating today has a point that we believe is unanimous. We want a more democratic EU, with full respect for human rights and the rule of law. And that starts, without any doubt, with a reform of the institutions: the right of legislative initiative is essential and we will continue, as we did in 2015, to fight for a Constitution for the European Union. For the end of the sale of citizenship, for the end of revolving doors and for greater transparency in all European institutions", said Patrícia Robalo, a member of the party's outgoing board.

In terms of Housing, the Livre party proposes the creation of a European plan to guarantee accessible and decent housing for all people, the expansion of the financing lines of the Institute of Housing and Urban Rehabilitation (IHRU) via the European Investment Bank (EIB) for the rehabilitation or construction of buildings intended for accessible housing and the improvement of the environmental performance of existing buildings.

Still on this topic, the Livre party advocates the regulation of local accommodation with the introduction of limitations on European financing of tourism projects and local accommodation in areas of high tourist pressure and the creation of a European network of student accommodation accessible to all European students from a single digital platform.

In the chapter dedicated to Work, the Livre party defends the creation of a European Charter of Fair Work, which would cover all member states and guarantee "a new European Minimum Wage, which includes criteria for the convergence of wages in Europe, to be applied especially in Member States where there are no collective labour agreements".

This charter would also include "the creation of a European regulation governing minimum annual wage increases, in line with inflation" and "a new European work standard, with a maximum of 35 hours per week, a four-day work week and a minimum of 30 days of vacation per year".

The Livre party also defends the creation of a mechanism to mitigate the effects of the energy transition for workers in polluting industries, a pilot project for a four-day work week applied in various European companies and institutions, but also for the advancement of an Unconditional Basic Income.

"Its portfolio will include assets acquired by central banks, a percentage of share capital obtained, among others, by public offerings, income from intellectual property rights or revenue from the tax on greenhouse gas emissions", reads the program, which defends that this project should be longer than two years.

On migration, the Livre party advocates a "new Common European Asylum System (CEAS) that respects international laws and guarantees the Fundamental Rights of those who seek Europe as a safe haven", protecting "the principle of non-refoulement and prohibiting Member States from returning people to places where they risk having their rights disrespected", including situations of persecution, torture or ill-treatment.

The party also wants the closure of detention centers for migrants and refugees and a response in months, "not years", to asylum applications.

On this topic, the Livre party also proposes "that Schengen visas be granted by the consulates of the European Union worldwide", ending what it calls "Fortress Europe" and suggests the creation of a "protection and reception system for climate displaced persons".

The Livre party proposes the deepening of a common Defense policy among the Member States and, regarding the "European Peace Facility", created by the EU, it defends unconditional support for Ukraine, but also "more transparency and control in the sale of arms", calling for the end of this sale to States that violate human rights.

Read Also: Livre. Palestine conflict dominates debate on program for the European elections (Portuguese version)

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