
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

PAN says that the value of the subsidy from the government of the Azores to firefighters is an affront

PAN/Açores today criticized the subsidy that the regional government intends to allocate to firefighters, considering the amount an "affront", and insisted on the need to create the professional firefighter statute.

PAN says that the value of the subsidy from the government of the Azores to firefighters is an affront
Notícias ao Minuto

14:58 - 14/05/24 por Lusa

Política PAN

In a statement, the party "censures the context and content" of the statements by the president of the Government of the Azores (PSD/CDS-PP/PPM), José Manuel Bolieiro, who announced on Monday the "annual and extraordinary payment of 50% of the guaranteed minimum wage" upon completion of a minimum of 200 hours of voluntary service.

"This means that the region will pay around two euros per hour to firefighters, which is manifestly dishonourable if we take into account the risk and danger to which firefighters are exposed in the exercise of their duties", it condemns.

For PAN, which has a deputy in the Regional Assembly, the "value proposed for payment of voluntary hours" is thus "an affront to firefighters".

On Monday, during a ceremony to pay homage to the firefighters who fought the fire at the Hospital Divino Espírito Santo (HDES), Bolieiro announced the increase in the contribution of the Government of the Azores to the bonus for service time and the creation of a subsidy that will be awarded according to the hours worked.

PAN reiterates the need to create the "professional firefighter statute as a way of valuing careers", of "awarding a risk subsidy" and bringing forward the retirement age.

"Despite the fact that the Regional Assembly has already approved an initiative by PAN/Açores to create a risk subsidy for firefighters and the party has urged the Government to do so on several occasions, the Government is trying to make its creation conditional, with the subterfuge of the region's lack of competence to do so", the party condemns.

At the ceremony, José Manuel Bolieiro insisted that the region does not have the competence to award a risk subsidy and said that the new social statute for firefighters will be discussed in the Council of Government on Thursday, and then sent to the Azorean parliament.

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