
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

PS/Açores praises the support of the Horta Hospital to the Ponta Delgada Hospital

The PS deputies in the Legislative Assembly of the Azores today praised the support shown by the Hospital da Horta in taking in 34 hemodialysis patients, who had been transferred from São Miguel due to the fire that broke out in the Hospital de Ponta Delgada.

PS/Açores praises the support of the Horta Hospital to the Ponta Delgada Hospital
Notícias ao Minuto

18:59 - 14/05/24 por Lusa

Política Açores

"With this meeting, we intend to learn about how the situation is unfolding at the Hospital da Horta, namely whether the response capacity of this unit is sufficient, following the fire that occurred at the Hospital de Ponta Delgada, which naturally impacts the entire Regional Health Service and its functioning", justified the deputy Lúcio Rodrigues, after a meeting with the administration of that health unit, held today in Horta.

The socialist parliamentarians also requested clarifications from the Board of Directors of the Hospital da Horta, regarding the impact that this exceptional support may have had on the access of other users to health care, taking into account the pressure exerted as a result of this public calamity.

"Naturally, this situation requires the mobilization of a large part of the regional health service and its human and operational resources to respond to an exceptional situation like this", recalled the PS deputy, elected by the island of Faial, adding that it is necessary to "safeguard" management with "balance" with "the least possible constraints" for regular users of the Hospital da Horta.

The fire at the Hospital do Divino Espírito Santo, in Ponta Delgada, which broke out on May 4th, forced the transfer of all patients who were hospitalized to various locations in the Azores, Madeira, and mainland.

At the time of the fire, there were 333 patients in that health establishment, and it was necessary to transfer 240.

On Sunday, the Government of the Azores declared a state of public calamity to "accelerate procedures" that will allow the activity of the largest Azorean health unit to return to normal in a "short period of time".

The socialist deputy Lúcio Rodrigues guaranteed that the party is "in solidarity" and available to "collaborate" in solving the problem, in a "swift" manner, so that normality can be restored as quickly as possible.

"It is, of course, a difficult time that requires transparency, coordination, and speed from all entities to clarify what is being done to overcome this situation, which greatly concerns all Azoreans, since the Hospital do Divino Espírito Santo serves the entire Region", recalled the PS deputy.

Lúcio Rodrigues, who was accompanied by deputy Inês Sá, also elected by the Faial constituency, also highlighted the work carried out by all health professionals who, in his opinion, have "shown their professionalism and dedication" in an unexpected and demanding situation, like this one.

The PS Parliamentary Group is meeting with the hospital administrations and health centers of the Region, as well as with other entities involved in the recovery process of the Hospital do Divino Espírito Santo, in addition to private social solidarity institutions, which have welcomed patients.

The clinical directorate of the Hospital de Ponta Delgada predicts that the largest health unit in the Azores may reopen "slowly", already during this week, resuming activity in the oncology and hemodialysis units, in a phased manner.

Read Also: Ponta Delgada firefighters ask for support due to fire damage (Portuguese version)

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