
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

BE wants to hear MAI and Justice on actions of "extreme-right groups"

BE announced today that it will request an urgent parliamentary hearing of the Ministers of Internal Administration and Justice on recent attacks on immigrants and threats to the activity of civic organizations by "far-right criminal organizations".

BE wants to hear MAI and Justice on actions of "extreme-right groups"
Notícias ao Minuto

12:27 - 15/05/24 por Lusa

Política Extrema-direita

"We have been watching the activity of far-right criminal groups with great concern", said the BE parliamentary leader, Fabian Figueiredo, in statements to journalists in the Assembly of the Republic.

The Blocist deputy pointed out as an example the recent attacks on immigrants, attacked at home in Porto, or the news, published today by JN, that a session on gender equality in Cabeceiras de Basto was interrupted by the extremist group Habeas Corpus and could only continue after the intervention of the GNR.

"We want to be sure, within the scope of justice and internal administration, that the surveillance of these groups is guaranteed and that in Portugal the organizations that defend the rights of women or LGBT people have no restrictions and, on the other hand, that immigrants in Portugal are protected from the action of these groups", he said.

The BE wants to hear in parliament the Ministers of Justice, Rita Alarcão Júdice, and of Internal Administration, Margarida Blasco, to be sure that "these groups are not only monitored, but also dismantled".

"We want to be sure that groups such as 1143, Habeas Corpus or Reconquista, far-right criminal organizations, are dismantled and are treated as a threat to public safety", he argued, justifying that, in Portugal, there can be no far-right militias that "violate people, that prevent actions by non-governmental organizations".

The BE parliamentary leader also justified the request, which was submitted today, for a hearing of the two ministers in the Committee on Constitutional Affairs to "ensure that in Portugal the rule of law is the same for all".

"This has gone too far, there is a broth of hate speech that must be fought and the Ministries of Internal Administration and Justice must be exemplary, showing that in Portugal there is no space, no room for the action of far-right criminal groups", he said.

Read Also: MAI meets today with PSP and GNR structures (and police protest) (Portuguese version)

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