
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Left Bloc accuses Viana do Castelo City Council of promoting sexism

The district of the Left Bloc (BE) of Viana do Castelo today accused the Viana do Castelo council of promoting sexism in the Viana Florida initiative, which is taking place until the end of the month in several areas of the city.

Left Bloc accuses Viana do Castelo City Council of promoting sexism
Notícias ao Minuto

13:50 - 15/05/24 por Lusa

Política BE

The exhibition "Woman, Love and Flower" is at issue, integrated into the Viana Florida program, promoted by the Environment Department, open until the end of the month, in the city's public garden.

On one of the panels that make up the exhibition, removed on Tuesday by the chamber, one could read the phrase: "Even if it is said that behind a great man there is always a great woman, in reality, it is from the feminine power of reconciliation, of creating and managing, that a great man is born".

In the photograph that illustrated the panel of the visit, one could see Américo Tomás, the last president of the Republic of the Estado Novo, with his wife Gertrudes, in 1959, during a visit to Viana do Castelo.

Questioned by the Lusa agency, the local authority responded in writing with the position of the mayor of Viana do Castelo. Luís Nobre, considers that "despite the fact that [in the photograph] the people are not identified", the local authority "understands the situation and in order not to create dubious interpretations, opted to remove the photo in question".

In a statement sent today to the Lusa agency, entitled "machismo took to the streets and dressed in flowers", the BE, "which has fought for gender equality, against machismo, misogyny and patriarchy, condemns this view that the Viana do Castelo Municipal Council has of women, as well as the fact of using an image that revisits a time when women had no rights whatsoever".

"Woman is not synonymous with housewife, woman is not synonymous with care, woman is not synonymous with flower, woman is not synonymous with creator, woman is not candor. Women do not want flowers, they want rights", it argues.

For the party, "it is surprising that, 50 years after April 25th, in a space of less than two months, women have been relegated to their position as caregivers and housewives, several times".

According to the BE, the exhibition "Woman, love and flower", "demonstrates how we still have a long way to go when it comes to the structural machismo of our society, which relegates women to a role of candor and modesty as in times past".

The mayor considers that this "situation should not be of political throwing".

"The intention of the exhibition is to value women and their role in society, throughout the ages. The position of the Left Bloc subverts and makes an opposite reading to what was intended, which is regrettable", stresses the socialist mayor.

Read Also: BE. Resumption of the mandate of deputy Marisa Matias approved unanimously (Portuguese version)

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