
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Montenegro accuses PS of not having left "the bed of roses it sold"

The Prime Minister accused PS today of "spending relapse" at the end of the governance and of not having left "the bed of roses that was sold" in the public accounts, admitting that there is not "a situation of budgetary lack of control".

Montenegro accuses PS of not having left "the bed of roses it sold"
Notícias ao Minuto

15:23 - 15/05/24 por Lusa

Política Debate

In the opening of his first biweekly debate in parliament, Luís Montenegro resumed his accusations against the PS for having approved 42 resolutions from the Council of Ministers "without allocation" in an amount that he estimated at 1.2 billion euros.

"We will fulfill our program and our electoral commitments. And we will always tell the truth. The truth is that we do not have a situation of budgetary disarray, but we also do not have the bed of roses that was sold", he defended.

To support this position, the prime minister mentioned that at the end of March a deficit of 259 million euros was recorded and only half of the provisional allocation of the Ministry of Finance had already been spent.

"To this was added an extraordinary expenditure in the first quarter of 1080 million euros (946 after the elections) and in 116 resolutions of the Council of Ministers published by the previous government after November 7, we have already identified 42 without allocation, in an additional amount of 1.2 billion euros", he said.

And he added: "This PS spending relapse, which worsened in the period between the elections and the inauguration of the current government, I am not talking about it to complain, although I had reasons to do so", he said.

"I am talking about it above all because the truth cannot, should not be hidden. I even ask if there is anyone who would prefer this truth to be effectively hidden, I believe not", he said.

Montenegro said that, "unlike others", the executive he leads "is not a Government of illusions and illusionism".

"Nor is it a Government committed to the colonization of the Public Administration", he assured, in what could be a response to the accusations of political cleansing that he has already been targeted with.

The prime minister took advantage of his first biweekly debate to list a set of decisions by the PSD/CDS-PP executive in the 33 days that have passed since the Government's program was appreciated, voted on April 12.

In addition to the proposal to reduce IRS, still under discussion in the specialty in parliament, Montenegro mentioned the beginning of negotiations with teachers and professionals in the areas of Security, Justice and Health "to unblock differences in careers and remunerations that dragged on due to lack of political will".

"We intervened with all speed in the management of European funds, with a view to ensuring greater execution capacity, greater speed of approvals, greater transparency and inspection, less bureaucracy and recovery of delays", he added.

The doubling of the allocation of IRS revenues from 0.5% to 1.0% for social, cultural and sports institutions, the increase in the solidarity supplement for the elderly to 600 euros, the elimination of the condition of resources of the children's income for the allocation of this supplement or the approval of 100% co-payment of medicines for these beneficiaries were other measures listed by the prime minister.

Montenegro also highlighted the beginning of the dialogue with the social dialogue partners, the presentation of a new strategy for Housing and the decision, announced on Tuesday, on the location of the new Lisbon airport, in Alcochete, which the Government has already named Luís de Camões.

"On the part of the Government, we have opted for a rigorous management of public resources, focused on economic growth, attracting investment and territorial cohesion", he said, arguing that this will be the path "that allows us to pay better salaries and pensions, retain talent and give hope to young people".

Read Also: BY THE MINUTE: Montenegro debuts in biweekly debates. Follow here (Portuguese version)

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