
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Chega requests hearing of the Minister of Infrastructure and the President of CTI

Chega today requested the hearings of the Minister of Infrastructure and of the former president of the Independent Technical Commission on the "legal and technical validity" of the report that pointed to Alcochete as the best solution for the new Lisbon airport.

Chega requests hearing of the Minister of Infrastructure and the President of CTI
Notícias ao Minuto

16:36 - 15/05/24 por Lusa

Política Aeroporto

In a statement, Chega indicates that it has today presented a request in parliament for hearings of the Minister of Infrastructure and Housing, Miguel Pinto Luz, the former president of the Independent Technical Commission, Maria do Rosário Partidário, the executive president of ANA, Thierry Ligonnière, and also the coordinators of the Budget Support Technical Unit (UTAO) and the Project Monitoring Technical Unit (UTAP), respectively Rui Baleiras and Manuel Teves Vieira.

The party led by André Ventura intends to hear those responsible about "the legal and technical validity of the CTI report regarding the solution of the new Airport at the Alcochete Shooting Range".

The hearing requests come one day after the prime minister, Luís Montenegro, announced the location of the future Lisbon international airport in Alcochete.

Read Also: Airport? Pedro Nuno points out the lack of a study on capacity reinforcement (Portuguese version)

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