
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

There is talk of chaos in immigration and Montenegro promises to change the rules

Chega's president accused the Government today of allowing the continuation of the "pandemonium" in the entry of foreigners, classifying Portugal as a country with "wide open doors", with the prime minister promising immigration measures soon.

There is talk of chaos in immigration and Montenegro promises to change the rules
Notícias ao Minuto

17:06 - 15/05/24 por Lusa

Política Imigração

"We will change the rules shortly", Luís Montenegro replied to André Ventura in the bi-weekly debate in Parliament, at a time when he had little time left to speak -- and after the Chega leader accused him of "cleansing" the former national director of the PSP and of being the same as the PS in the negotiations with the security forces platform.

Also in a telegraphic manner, the leader of the executive reacted at this point to the speech given by the president of Chega: "Parties in the police are not required", he said, at the end of a very tough debate that forced the president of the Assembly of the Republic, José Pedro Aguiar-Branco, to intervene several times to calm tempers.

During the debate, the president of Chega accused the government of not having any measures for health, defrauding promises that the AD had made to voters, and of having presented "a fiscal shock that left the Portuguese shocked".

"So much talk", commented André Ventura, saying that those who earn 1505 euros per month will have a tax relief of 4.6 euros. And he left a warning: "Chega will not make any agreement in which those who earn less are not benefited, because the rich get away with it on their own".

The PSD bench reacted noisily in protest. And André Ventura commented: "The Cascais line is upset".

At this point, the prime minister began by asking André Ventura if, like the PS, he also understands that there should be no tax relief for those in the sixth IRS bracket. Then, he went on the counterattack, considering that the leader of Chega seems "enamoured" by the PS's tax proposals.

But Luís Montenegro went even further, on the subject of health, considering that André Ventura "is more socialist than the socialists".

At the end of the debate, after a confrontation between the two over the reduction of tolls, the prime minister raised the PSD bench with the following accusation to André Ventura: "You have a very peculiar conception of the exercise of public functions and political responsibility, because, for you, the no does not justify all your positions on matters that concern people's lives".

"I find that intolerable, childish and immature. It is not up to the representation of the interests of the people", he concluded.

Earlier, the president of Chega had refused any rapprochement with the PS, looked at the public benches and countered: "Chega has become close to the Portuguese".

"Life is what it is, Mr Prime Minister", he added, which led José Pedro Aguiar-Branco to warn Ventura that "deputies speak to other deputies and not to the public galleries".

Read Also: IRS. Government available to bring positions closer together without distorting the proposal (Portuguese version)

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