
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

IRS. Government available to bring positions closer without distorting proposal

The Prime Minister said today that he was available to bring positions closer together on the reduction of the IRS, but without distorting the Government's proposal or "maintaining the economic error" of the socialist fiscal policy, in response to a challenge from the PS leader.

IRS. Government available to bring positions closer without distorting proposal
Notícias ao Minuto

17:03 - 15/05/24 por Lusa

Economia IRS

In the biweekly debate with the prime minister in parliament, the PS secretary-general, Pedro Nuno Santos, questioned Luís Montenegro about the proposals under discussion in the specialty on tax relief, reiterating that the Government's initiative, which went down to the committee without a vote in general, was "unfair from a social point of view and concentrated savings in the 10% who earned the most".

"We accept playing within the expenditure defined by you, 348 million euros, but we wanted a fairer redistribution of this tax expenditure. Are you available to approach the proposal that had the viability to be approved in parliament", asked Pedro Nuno Santos.

In the response, the prime minister referred to the Government's pre-announced willingness for "there to be a broad consensus in the Assembly of the Republic", but warned that he is not available to "distort the meaning of his political proposals".

"We are available to bring positions closer together, we are not available to maintain the economic error that was the fiscal policy of the Government that preceded us [that of the PS], he warned.

Montenegro stressed that the Government does not accept doing "what the PS did in the State Budget" which was the sixth IRS bracket to have "a zero reduction".

"We do not accept that. Our proposal is already sufficiently attractive, even so, for your line of thought because we propose a reduction in the sixth bracket of about half of that which operates in the second, third and fourth", he said.

Last week, the PS, as reported by the Lusa agency, sent the PSD, BE and PCP a replacement text that aims to reconcile the different IRS projects under discussion in the specialty, considering it possible to "ensure a broad consensus" for the approval of the measure.

This text would replace the Government's bills, in addition to the bills of the PS itself, Chega, IL, BE and PCP.

On April 24, parliament approved in general the proposals of the PS, BE and PCP on the IRS and the requests for the Government's proposal, Chega and IL to go down to the specialty without a vote.

Read Also: Montenegro maintains the goal of economic growth of 2.5% in 2025 (Portuguese version)

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