
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Airport. Government decision had no "conditions"

Prime Minister Luís Montenegro guaranteed today that the Government's decision on the location of the new Lisbon airport "was not subject to any conditions, including from the concessionaire", with whom it will start a negotiation process.

Airport. Government decision had no "conditions"
Notícias ao Minuto

17:19 - 15/05/24 por Lusa

Política Aeroporto

"There is one indisputable thing: the government's decision had no, no, no conditions from anyone, including the concessionaire", guaranteed Luís Montenegro, in response to the BE coordinator, Mariana Mortágua, in the biweekly debate in the Assembly of the Republic.

The Bloquista had questioned the head of the executive about the negotiations with Vinci and ANA Aeroportos and possible consideration within the scope of the concession contract after the Government approved this week the construction of the new Lisbon region airport in the Alcochete Shooting Range, with the name Aeroporto Luís de Camões, with a view to the full replacement of the Humberto Delgado Airport.

"The answer is simple: negotiations with Vinci and ANA, none so far. We have moved forward with all the elements that we had at the Government level, we will now start the negotiation process with the concessionaire", answered the Prime Minister.

Regarding the fact that the Chairman of the Board of Directors of ANA is José Luís Arnaut, a former social-democratic leader, Montenegro gave another guarantee.

"The circumstance that there is a leader or former leader of the PSD who holds a position in that company does not bother me in the least. I do not move a straw for any reason because of that circumstance", said Luís Montenegro, who added that he has not spoken to Arnaut "for a long time" and does not intend to speak to him anytime soon.

"As Prime Minister and President of the PSD, you can rest assured that it is bulletproof, bulletproof", he replied.

Read Also: Environmental impact statement for Lisbon airport is no longer valid (Portuguese version)

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