
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

PAN considers the solution of the new airport "environmentally disastrous"

PAN today considered that the location of the new airport in Alcochete "is environmentally disastrous and financially irresponsible", with the prime minister countering that the party's arguments taken to the limit would mean there would be no planes.

PAN considers the solution of the new airport "environmentally disastrous"
Notícias ao Minuto

18:27 - 15/05/24 por Lusa

Política PAN

In the biweekly debate with the Prime Minister in parliament, PAN spokesperson Inês de Sousa Real considered that the environmental dimension in the choice of the new airport is "systematically left behind".

"The Prime Minister boasted about this option [Alcochete], but forgets that the climate has changed and political parties and governance must also change", she argued.

For the PAN spokesperson, "it is not acceptable that a decision of this magnitude is based on an option that not only has opinions that are already outdated", but which, from an economic point of view, is also not "the most viable".

"We are talking about a thousand euros for each Portuguese citizen if there are no slippages", she warned, then questioning whether the Prime Minister "is available for the environment to be part of the equation of any airport solution".

"Because, without the environment, there is no viable solution", she maintained.

In response, Luís Montenegro assured that the Government is available to "safeguard all environmental values and to mitigate the effects that investments of this magnitude have on ecosystems, biodiversity and all impacts of all kinds".

But, "if you take the arguments you presented here to the limit, the conclusion is that what the honourable member wants is for there to be no planes, no air transport and no airport", he said.

Montenegro defended that the choice of the new location was based on a methodology that included an environmental assessment, adding that he considers this to be the most correct path.

Read Also: Airport. Government decision had no "conditioning" (Portuguese version)

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