
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Government will propose meetings to parties about immigrants

The Prime Minister announced today that the Government wants to meet with the parliamentary groups next week to design an action plan to solve the problems registered with the regularization of immigrants.

Government will propose meetings to parties about immigrants
Notícias ao Minuto

19:10 - 15/05/24 por Lusa

Política Imigração

"It will be necessary to have an action plan that we will have the opportunity to present to parliament. I have already asked the minister of parliamentary affairs and the minister of the presidency to start a dialogue with parliamentary groups on this matter next week", said Luís Montenegro, in the biweekly debate in parliament.

The goal, he explained, is to gather contributions to design "an action plan, for immediate implementation, that can solve the hundreds of thousands of pending processes and that can, in the future, prevent new accumulation".

"It is our purpose to continue being a country that welcomes and integrates, but, to give dignity, it must have more regulation and stop allowing the abuse of what are today provisions contained in our legislation", he said.

In the final part of the debate, in response to the PSD parliamentary leader Hugo Soares, the prime minister said that the problems that exist today in AIMA (Agency for the Integration of Migrations and Asylum) are "delicate and profound".

"No one likes to see the undignified conditions to which many human beings who come to the country to work are subjected", he lamented, adding that the long lines and delays that have been seen in AIMA generate unease and feelings of insecurity.

For Montenegro, the problems registered in AIMA are "the result of several accumulated errors in border control and reception policies".

Read Also: AIMA opens 'online' link for immigrants to correct email address (Portuguese version)

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