
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

CDU launches "quiz" in which it sets out its vision for the EU and distinguishes itself from BE and Livre

The CDU has launched a 'quiz' about the European elections in which, using an informal and humorous tone, it sets out its vision for the European Union (EU) and seeks to differentiate itself from the Left Bloc and the Free.

CDU launches "quiz" in which it sets out its vision for the EU and distinguishes itself from BE and Livre
Notícias ao Minuto

09:20 - 16/05/24 por Lusa

Política Europeias

With the title "Do you know everything about the European Union?", the 'quiz' is on the official page of the CDU and consists of 16 questions that range from specific policies (for example, on fisheries or transnational lists) to generic themes, always intending to serve as a hook for the coalition to expose its programmatic vision on the European Union (EU).

For example, after asking if Portugal is receiving "rivers of money from the EU", the answer is "no, more money left the country than entered".

"Since 1996, Portugal has received 101 billion euros in net terms from community funds, but it saw more than 168 billion euros in profits, dividends, rents and interest leave the country for other EU countries in the same period", alleges the party, which considers that the funds "were never a handout, but a form of compensation" to Portugal.

Humor is also one of the tools used by the CDU in this 'quiz' which, when asked "what sanctions did France have" after entering a procedure for excessive deficit in 2018, responds with a "lol".

"France had no sanctions. Contrary to what they want you to believe, the EU is not an organization of States that see themselves and relate to each other as States with equal rights and duties", can be read in the explanation.

Despite the humorous tone, the CDU also uses the 'quiz' to distance itself and distinguish itself from other left-wing parties, in particular Livre and the Left Bloc (BE). In the sixth question, the coalition leaves a direct 'barb' to the BE and its top candidate in the last European elections, Marisa Matias.

To the question, "Who said 'I do not question the delivery of weapons to Ukraine and let that be very clear'", three answer options are given - Ursula von der Leyen, Joe Biden or Marisa Matias -, with the only correct one being that of the current deputy and former MEP of the BE.

"Unlike others, the PCP does not allow itself to be pushed into the warmongering discourse and support for the arms escalation and the consequent prolongation of the war, with its inevitable consequences: more thousands and thousands of deaths, more destruction of lives and property", can be read in the explanation.

Livre is also the target of criticism. In a question about who is in favor of creating transnational lists, the correct answer includes Livre, as well as the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, and "some large European countries, which would further strengthen their presence in the European Parliament".

"The creation of transnational lists would accentuate imbalances in representation that already exist today. (...) It would be really important to defend the need to recover the deputies lost by Portugal over the years", can be read in the answer.

In the end, if the user has answered more than 12 questions correctly, the CDU leaves a positive message: "With this result, you know that not only does Portugal need to cut ties with the European Union and the Euro, but you are also ready to mobilize others for this fight", can be read.

In addition to this 'quiz', the CDU has also launched a campaign on social networks that, also using an informal tone, simulates conversations on WhatsApp with the coalition's top candidate, João Oliveira, who answers hypothetical questions from citizens.

One of the questions is whether "it is not important for the country to comply with the rules of the budget deficit and debt", with João Oliveira answering that "it is not, no".

"The development needs of each country should determine the budgetary policy and not the artificial rules, which aim to contain investment, wages, reforms and social benefits and reduce the quality of public services", can be read.

And "is António Costa in the European Council positive for Portugal?". The CDU's top candidate has no doubts: António Costa in that position "does not represent any change in the neoliberal, federalist and militarist direction of the EU".

Read Also: Europeias. ERC will have an alert for disinformation on digital platforms (Portuguese version)

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