
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

"Angolan Elite Used Portugal as a Laundromat and Now Companies Are Suffering"

Statements by the coordinator of the Left Bloc made from Rio de Mouro, in Sintra, where the workers of the Printer company are protesting due to late salaries.

"Angolan Elite Used Portugal as a Laundromat and Now Companies Are Suffering"
Notícias ao Minuto

11:07 - 16/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Política despedimentos

The coordinator of the Left Bloc (BE), Mariana Mortágua, was present this Thursday, 16 May, at the gathering of workers from the Printer company, in Rio de Mouro, Sintra, who have been prevented from working and have not received their salaries since April.

Speaking to journalists, the Bloc leader stressed that what the company's management is doing to the 120 employees "is illegal" and that the Government should intervene in the situation.

"If there is no money to pay the workers, the company closes and the workers go on unemployment benefit. There are minimum standards of decency and there are legal conditions that must be met. People are not playthings, people's lives are not disposable. This is the worst situation, it is a limbo and this limbo is illegal. Companies cannot do this. It is a bosses' strike that is not permitted by law. The Government needs to act, to force the management to comply with the law," she said, recalling that like Printer, there are other companies in a similar situation.

"These workers are paying for an elite linked to the Angolan regime that used Portugal to launder their money, as their laundromat. They bought good companies here, important companies, and now those companies are suffering the consequences of the crimes committed by their owners," she said.

It should be recalled that Printer is owned by Álvaro Sobrinho. Last April, the management closed the company with a padlock, preventing the workers from entering, who have not received their wages since then.

The workers are demanding answers from the management and the intervention of the Government.

Read also: Bloco de Esquerda calls AIMA to the AR. "It is failing" (Portuguese version)

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