
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Election of Parliament representatives to the Council of State postponed

The election of the five Parliament representatives to the Council of State, scheduled for Friday, was postponed, with the PS and PSD submitting joint lists for four external bodies, including the Superior Council of Information.

Election of Parliament representatives to the Council of State postponed
Notícias ao Minuto

15:22 - 16/05/24 por Lusa

Política Parlamento

The information about the postponement of the election of the Council of State, which is still on the agenda for Friday's plenary session, was given to Lusa by parliamentary sources.
For the Supreme Council of Information, the joint list proposes PSD deputy Andreia Neto and PS deputy Filipe Neto Brandão, who was already in this body. Nuno Jorge Gonçalves (PSD) and João Paulo Rebelo are proposed as substitutes. PS and PSD indicate deputies António Rodrigues (PSD) and Isabel Oneto (PS) for the Supreme Council of Internal Security, as full members, and deputies Pedro Neves de Sousa (PSD) and Eurídice Pereira (PS). For the Supreme Council of National Defence, deputies Francisco César (PS) - who was already in this body - and Silvério Regalado (PSD) are proposed, with Mariana Vieira da Silva (PS) and Bruno Vitorino (PSD) indicated as substitutes. On Friday, the parliament's representatives for the Supreme Council of Security in Cyberspace will also be elected: the joint list proposes deputies Miguel Costa Matos (PS) and Liliana Reis (PSD), as full members, and João Torres (PS) and Ana Santos (PSD) as substitutes. The parliament's representatives for these four bodies will be voted on Friday and, with the exception of the Supreme Council of Security in Cyberspace (elected by the Hondt method), require a favourable vote from a two-thirds majority of the deputies. The election of the candidates for the Council of State, a political advisory body to the President of the Republic, has not yet been scheduled. Under the terms of the Constitution, the Council of State includes "five citizens elected by the Assembly of the Republic, in accordance with the principle of proportional representation, for the period corresponding to the duration of the legislature". In the previous legislature, the five representatives proposed by PS and PSD were elected on a joint list - Manuel Alegre, Carlos César, Sampaio da Nóvoa, Francisco Pinto Balsemão and Miguel Cadilhe - and Chega presented a joint list, which failed to elect any member. Taking into account the current parliamentary representation, it is expected that PSD, PS and Chega will elect State Councillors.
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