
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

BE wants to hear from the minister about alleged "concealment of violent situations"

The BE wants to hear from the Minister of Education, Fernando Alexandre, and the President of the National Commission for the Promotion of the Rights and Protection of Children and Young People, Rosário Farmhouse, about alleged "concealment of situations of violence" in a school context.

BE wants to hear from the minister about alleged "concealment of violent situations"
Notícias ao Minuto

19:00 - 16/05/24 por Lusa

Política Educação

In the motions presented, the parliamentary group Bloco considers it necessary "to clarify the situations of violence that occurred in a school environment, to investigate responsibilities in the concealment of these problems, to identify situations of negligence and lack of support for child victims of violence".

"It is necessary to investigate whether the school administrations are acting in accordance with their responsibilities and also to know what the Ministry intends to do to guarantee a school environment of safety for all children and young people", one of the motions reads.

The party recalls that Rádio Renascença reported on Tuesday that a nine-year-old Nepalese boy was "lynched" at a school in Lisbon.

The complaint was made to the radio station by the executive director of a Church institution, the Centro Padre Alves Correia (Cepac), who considered that "the motivations of the other minors were xenophobic and racist".

In response to questions from Lusa and other media outlets about this case, the ministry stated on Wednesday that Cepac had "initially refused to collaborate" and that only "after insistence" was it able to find out the school where the attacks allegedly occurred.

"When the school in question, in Amadora, was contacted, the Administration reported that the only Nepalese students attending the group are in secondary education. It also reported that it was completely unaware of the alleged episode or any similar situation, and that it had not even received any report of an identical act. Therefore, there is no disciplinary occurrence on record", the Ministry added.

In this context, the Bloco members consider that "the Ministry of Education cannot simply state that it is unaware of this or other situations", arguing that "it is necessary to act".

The Public Prosecution Service today opened an inquiry into the alleged assault on a Nepalese child at a school, but clarifies that the complaint filed does not indicate the nationality of the victim, the Attorney General's Office (PGR) reported today.

The Minister of Education reiterated today that he is unaware of the case of the alleged assault and stressed that all cases of violence should be reported to the authorities.

Read Also: School says it is unaware of the assault on a Nepalese boy. CEPAC reported it to the MP (Portuguese version)

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