
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

PCP admits to making viable a parliamentary commission of inquiry into Santa Casa

The secretary-general of the PCP admitted today that the communists would make the proposals for the establishment of a commission of inquiry into the management of Santa Casa viable, regretting that the party's proposal for the privatization of ANA was rejected.

PCP admits to making viable a parliamentary commission of inquiry into Santa Casa
Notícias ao Minuto

18:57 - 16/05/24 por Lusa

Política Paulo Raimundo

"It will not be with our vote against that everything that needs to be clarified will not be clarified. Now, we cannot deal with cynicism and hypocrisy", said the communist leader, Paulo Raimundo, in statements to journalists in Évora.

Speaking on the sidelines of a visit to the Hércules Laboratory of the University of Évora, the PCP leader warned that "the great interests always remain outside the scrutiny" and that other cases "gain an expression that is even completely disproportionate".

"What we find strange is that something like the privatization of ANA, in what it points to, in fact, an economic crime, at the very least, has been rejected and this may eventually be approved", he stressed.

Paulo Raimundo recalled that the communists saw the creation of a parliamentary inquiry committee into the privatization of ANA - Airports rejected last April, with the votes against by the PSD, PS and CDS.

"I cannot fail to take this opportunity to say that, just a short while ago, we had a proposal for an inquiry committee on the privatization of ANA, which harmed the State by more than 20 billion euros", he stressed.

Chega and the Liberal Initiative (IL) today proposed the creation of a parliamentary inquiry committee into the financial management and political supervision of SCML.

In the case of IL, the parliamentary leader, Mariana Leitão, told Lusa that the party decided to go ahead with this proposal because it considers that the various hearings that have been held in parliament on SCML have not "clarified much".

The president of Chega, André Ventura, said that he did not want to "trivialize parliamentary inquiry committees", but considered that this is "the only instrument that can ascertain the truth about the serious accusations of misuse of public money" in SCML.

The administration of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa was dismissed on April 29.

This situation led Ana Jorge to be heard in parliament on Wednesday and today it is the turn of Minister Maria do Rosário Ramalho to give explanations to the deputies.

Read Also: Chega also asks for CPI to Santa Casa. "Misuse of public money" (Portuguese version)

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