
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

André Ventura? From the "faded bravery" to the "farce" that "disgraces" the AR

The complaint against Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa for "treason" was, this Friday, rejected in Parliament with all parties except Chega voting against the initiative.

André Ventura? From the "faded bravery" to the "farce" that "disgraces" the AR
Notícias ao Minuto

19:44 - 17/05/24 por Daniela Carrilho

Política André Ventura

From Left to Right, all parties - except Chega - rejected André Ventura's complaint against the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, for treason against the homeland. Thus, the culmination of the debate on the report of the special parliamentary commission created for this purpose rejected the initiative.

In order for this to move forward, it would require the favorable votes of at least two-thirds of the deputies in effective office, or 154.

Alone and without support, the leader of Chega was harshly criticized by all parties with parliamentary seats.

The deputy of the Socialist Party (PS), Isabel Moreira - and rapporteur of the opinion - accused Chega of "making chicanery and falsely accusing, in a defamatory and injurious way" the President of the Republic.

"It is a parliamentary group of the brave. That bravery the size of a pin, small and withered, that soft and timid cowardice that does not allow one to see or follow the truth", said the socialist, accusing André Ventura of being "anti-April".

In turn, the deputy Pedro Neves de Sousa, of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), accused Chega of having "political bad faith and profound legal ignorance" and considered that the party contributed "to the degradation of political life in order to obtain more airtime and make a free attack" and of "manifest poverty" against the Portuguese head of state.

"Chega is failing the Portuguese and all those who, in an innocent way, cast their vote for this political force", also accused the social democrat.

The leader of the Liberal Initiative (IL), Rui Rocha, also 'pointed the finger' at André Ventura, alleging that the initiative was a "legal aberration" and, therefore, suffered another "strong legal embarrassment" and leaves "ridiculed from the point of view of common sense" after having insisted on a "total bastardization" of the Assembly of the Republic.

In addition, Rui Rocha accused the leader of Chega of "cowardice" for not presenting the legal opinions that supported the complaint against Marcelo. "You do not have authorization to bastardize Portuguese politics in the name of your personal interests", he added.


Reparações? "Nem eu nem o meu sogro autorizamos que Ventura fale por nós"

Rui Rocha tomou a palavra no Parlamento e revelou um pouco da sua história no âmbito do tema das eventuais reparações às ex-colónias, levantado pelo Presidente da República: "Poucos saberão, mas eu nasci no Lobito, em Angola. Eu e a minha família perdemos tudo. Sou aquilo a que chamamos, comumente, um retornado", disse.

Notícias ao Minuto | 18:29 - 17/05/2024

The parliamentary leader of the Left Bloc (BE), Fabian Figueiredo, considered that "the accusation is a hoax, ridiculous across the board".

"The far right attacks one of the most basic freedoms. The President did not commit any crime. They want to send the President to jail for having a different opinion. They want to make the environment unbearable. We know your tricks: you want to create the disease and then sell the cure", asserted the bloc, accusing Chega of feeding "authoritarian delusions of deputy André Ventura", of having "staged a bad taste theater" and of trying "to discredit democracy".

And he added: "Our country has many heroes, but none of them is called André Ventura".

Still on the same subject, the spokesman for Livre (L), Rui Tavares, stated that Marcelo "does the best for his country and is not a traitor to the homeland", accusing Chega of being "disloyal to the homeland" for "misusing its institutions, abusing power for processes that make no sense, seeking to divide the Portuguese", as well as trying "to poison relations between Portugal and other countries".

In his turn to speak, the deputy António Filipe, of the Portuguese Communist Party (PCP), agreed with everything that was said against Ventura and accused Chega of embarking on a "farce" and "making fun of the votes" that were entrusted to the Portuguese, "ridiculing" the Assembly of the Republic.

"There will not be a single Portuguese in his right mind who thinks that there are grounds to arrest the President of the Republic. Let's put an end to thi>

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