
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

SCML? "There were requests to return, but the Government chose another path"

Pedro Santana Lopes, former provider of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa (SCML), also considered that Ana Jorge "was not treated well [by the Government]".

SCML? "There were requests to return, but the Government chose another path"
Notícias ao Minuto

21:53 - 17/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Política Pedro Santana Lopes

Pedro Santana Lopes, who was the purveyor of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa (SCML) between 2011 and 2017, confirmed that there were conversations about him taking on the role again at the head of the institution, but "nothing that binds the Prime Minister, who is the one who appoints the purveyor".

"Conversations in the political world are like cherries: more and more. Nothing was binding. There were conversations, requests to return, but the Government chose another path. It's decided", he said in an interview with RTP3.

On whether the hypothesis of accumulating functions was on the table - continuing with the position of Mayor of Figueira da Foz and of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa -, Santana Lopes clarified that "the hypothesis was discussed". "For me there was one sacred thing, which was the work in Figueira da Foz", he added.

I didn't like it. Ana Jorge entered with me when I was purveyor, I consider her a serious person, she would be doing her best

Regarding the choice of economist Paulo Alexandre Sousa as the new purveyor of SCML, the former leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) also noted that "it is important that whoever goes to Santa Casa now, especially in this very difficult situation, has knowledge of the house".

"If there is one thing I have understood, it is that that house is so varied, so complex, that anyone needs at least six months to a year to gain the capacity to feel legitimized and knowledgeable to make decisions. Santa Casa is now in an emergency situation, I do not envy the luck of the new purveyor", he added.

Government chooses Paulo Alexandre Sousa as purveyor of Santa Casa

Government chooses Paulo Alexandre Sousa as purveyor of Santa Casa

Economist Paulo Alexandre Sousa will be the next purveyor of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa, announced today the Minister of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security, justifying the name chosen with his experience in management and in the social area.

Lusa | 20:29 - 16/05/2024

With regard to the departure of the former purveyor of the institution, Ana Jorge, Santana Lopes stressed that "I would be cynical if I did not say that Ana Jorge was not well treated [by the Government]". "I didn't like it. Ana Jorge entered with me when I was purveyor, I consider her a serious person, she would be doing her best. I think she did what she could while she was in office", he stressed.

And he continued: "The Government has every right to change the team. In my way of being, it is not making public statements about people I replace. But each one has their own style".

It should be recalled that the economist Paulo Alexandre Sousa will be the next purveyor of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa, after the previous administration of SCML was dismissed on April 29th.

Minister Maria do Rosário Ramalho justified the decision to dismiss Ana Jorge and her team due to a "total inaction" in the face of the financial situation in the institution and for not having a restructuring plan to reverse it, having also accused the dismissed Board of having benefited themselves with salary increases.

Ana Jorge took office on May 2, 2023, chosen by the previous socialist Government of António Costa, and inherited an institution with serious financial difficulties, after years of pandemic and a process of internationalization of social games, carried out by the administration of purveyor Edmundo Martinho, which may have caused losses in the order of 50 million euros.

Leia Também: PS questions Government about the suitability of the new Purveyor of Santa Casa (Portuguese version)

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