
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Aguiar-Branco? "The second figure of the State has a greater responsibility"

Pedro Nuno Santos attacks the positions of Chega and the President of the Assembly of the Republic.

Aguiar-Branco? "The second figure of the State has a greater responsibility"
Notícias ao Minuto

10:48 - 18/05/24 por Marta Amorim com Lusa

Política PS

For the Socialist Party (PS) secretary-general, it is unacceptable that "children in schools start to think that there are different boys who are the children of parents who are lazier". 

Referring to the controversy that erupted this Friday in Parliament, with the statements by Chega about the "Turks", and the consequent position taken by the President of the Assembly of the Republic of Portugal José Pedro Aguiar-Branco, Pedro Nuno Santos reiterates that "there are people who are different".

"The Portuguese are also very different from each other. There are no national characteristics and we cannot allow that in the House of the Assembly of the Republic", he told journalists this Saturday, from Madeira, where he is campaigning. 

"The President of the Assembly of the Republic has a supreme responsibility. And no one should hide behind the freedom of expression that was one of the greatest achievements of April to offend, to diminish and to discriminate and promote racist discourse", he continued, adding that the "racist discourse of Chega and many others who choose to have it will have a relentless fight from the PS". 

"This fight is carried out in the AR and the second figure of the State has a greater responsibility than most Portuguese", he also said. 

[News in update]

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