
  • 18 OCTOBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 22º

Bugalho criticizes calling Marcelo "traitor" just to "make noise"

The AD's top candidate for the European elections warned today that one cannot confuse "divergence with a crime of opinion", refusing to call the President of the Republic (PR) a traitor to the homeland "just to make more or less noise".

Bugalho criticizes calling Marcelo "traitor" just to "make noise"
Notícias ao Minuto

15:35 - 18/05/24 por Lusa

Política Sebastião Bugalho

"We may not always agree with what the PR says, I often do not agree. We have the freedom to have this opinion. But in this candidacy, we do not confuse divergence with the crime of opinion. We do not call our PR a traitor to the homeland, we do not say that the Portuguese head of state is betraying the state just because we want to make more or less noise. We are on the side of democracy, we do not call a traitor someone who was elected twice by universal suffrage, we do not play with institutions, we do not do that", said Sebastião Bugalho in a speech during lunch in Ponte de Lima, district of Viana do Castelo.

The candidate of the Democratic Alliance (coalition composed of PSD, CDS and PPM) was referring to Chega's proposal, rejected on Friday by the Assembly of the Republic, to file a complaint against the PR for treason, due to statements made by Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa about reparations to former colonies.

"Since the media has some interest, because what interests us is our program for Europe, but perhaps some miss me being a commentator, I would like to say something, because it has to do with our credibility abroad", began by justifying the head of the list to the audience of AD members.

About the curiosity of the media about the position of the candidacy on what has happened in the Assembly of the Republic, Bugalho warned that he is "the last person you can ask" about the subject, because he did not leave parliament to "go to Europe".

"Talk to those who ran for national parliament to go to Europe, not to those who want to be the voice of the Portuguese in Europe, not running away from anything. Ask those who two months ago promised to stay in the assembly", he stressed, in a reference to the PS candidate for the European elections, Marta Temido, who was recently elected deputy to the Assembly of the Republic.

Bugalho also noted that, "in terms of human rights and hate speech", the AD candidacy does not accept lessons.

"We cannot accept that they give us lessons. When migrants were assaulted, when anti-Semitic narratives were uttered by a candidacy, we were the first and the only ones to condemn. When candidates, throughout Europe, were assaulted and attacked putting up posters, we were the first to say we are in solidarity", he said.

The AD candidate for the European elections said he does not accept and "always" fights these attitudes, being "on the side of democracy that is wanted without violence, with tolerance".

Read Also: Bugalho says that Temido has "praised" Von der Leyen's programs (Portuguese version)

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