
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Ventura asks for the end of "massive entry of Islamic immigrants"

Chega's president, André Ventura, today called for a European Union with "strong borders" and without a "mass influx of Islamic and Muslim immigrants" and said he was convinced that he will be the next prime minister of Portugal.

Ventura asks for the end of "massive entry of Islamic immigrants"
Notícias ao Minuto

12:38 - 19/05/24 por Lusa

Política Europeias

"We want strong borders in Portugal, in Spain and in all of Europe. Because Europe is ours", said Ventura, in a speech at a convention of the Spanish far-right party Vox, in Madrid, which is gathering today in the Spanish capital leaders of the European and American radical right, in the pre-campaign for the European Parliament elections in June.
André Ventura defended that it is necessary to "tell Europe" that it is not possible to continue to allow the "mass entry of Islamic and Muslim immigrants". "We have to say no", said the leader of Chega, who got one of the biggest ovations from the 10,800 people gathered today at the Vistalegre pavilion in Madrid, according to a number provided by Vox. Ventura assured that with these demands he made today in Madrid he is not "against human rights" or against the idea that we can and should "protect those who suffer the most". "We are the only ones who have stood up to face socialism, communism and globalism that has infected and poisoned the European Union", said the leader of Chega before a convention that also includes the Spaniard Santiago Abascal, leader of Vox, the French Marine Le Pen (National Union), the former prime minister of Poland Mateuwsz Morawiecki (Law and Justice, PiS) and, by videoconference, the prime ministers of Italy, Giorgia Meloni (Brothers of Italy), and Hungary, Viktor Orbán (Fidesz). André Ventura said he is convinced that among these names are "many of those who will lead Europe in the future" and included himself in that group, saying he believes he will be the next prime minister of Portugal. In addition to immigration and borders, André Ventura also referred to "gender ideology" that he believes exists in European schools and the corruption that he defends is a hallmark of socialist governments. After mentioning the names of the current prime minister of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, and the former leader of the Portuguese Government, António Costa, Ventura said that "the socialists who govern and have governed" the two countries "created the most corrupt governments in Europe". "We cannot be afraid to say this", he said, before regretting the "cordons sanitaires" that the European right wants to impose on parties such as Chega or Vox and concluding that both the Spanish Popular Party and the Portuguese PSD "are the same". "They want to create cordons sanitaires for the only parties that defend freedom, the future, their countries, their cultures, their Christian tradition, who are not afraid to say, even if they tell us otherwise, that a man is a man and a woman is a woman", he said. The European radical right has been meeting since Saturday in Madrid at a convention of Vox and the European Conservatives and Reformists group in the European Parliament, which has as a special guest the President of Argentina, Javier Milei. The parties gathered today in Madrid are not all affiliated with the same group in the European Parliament, being divided between the ECR (Vox, Brothers of Italy, PiS and, foreseeably, after the elections, Fidesz) and the Identity and Democracy (ID, from Chega and National Union). All these forces are considered to be radical right, extreme right or conservative nationalists, with speeches often described by opponents and academics as xenophobic, focused on immigration and border control, among other issues. "This convention will place special emphasis on the importance of cooperation between different groups in the European Parliament, with the aim of forming an alternative to the centralist and socialist drift of the former majority [in the European Parliament]", reads a statement from Vox released last week. At the end of the convention, André Ventura told Portuguese journalists that, this year, all these political forces "are fighting all over Europe in the same direction" and that ECR and ID have "increasingly close bridges", with the aim of building "a large majority" in the next European Parliament "against the green agenda and in defence of agriculture" and in "defence of a stronger Justice" and "borders against illegal immigration". Chega currently has no MEPs and Ventura said today that he expects a good result for the party in the elections on June 9, in line with the approximately 20% of votes it had in the national legislative elections in March.
Read Also: "Disappointment". Parties criticize Aguiar-Branco's "unfortunate words" (Portuguese version)

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