
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

"It is unacceptable that the president of the Assembly of the Republic does not distance himself from Ventura"

For Ana Gomes it is not about "cutting off freedom of speech", it is about distancing oneself from a "stigmatized, prejudiced and hate-inciting attack".

"It is unacceptable that the president of the Assembly of the Republic does not distance himself from Ventura"
Notícias ao Minuto

08:48 - 20/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Política Ana Gomes

Ana Gomes analyzed, this Sunday, in her usual commentary space on SIC Notícias, the topic that polarized society last week: the stance of the president of the Assembly of the Republic, Aguiar Branco, in Parliament, after not having reprimanded André Ventura, who said that the Turkish people were "not very hard-working".

For the socialist, "it is clear" that Aguiar Branco should have censored the leader of Chega. "Not only because what André Ventura said is completely ignorant, contrary to reality, and the statistics of the European Union, the OECD, the World Bank, show it. As in fact stigmatizing an entire people is, basically, a process that generates hate speech, xenophobic discrimination and it is exactly this that we are complaining about at the moment, which is happening all over the world, this unhealthy polarization that leads to attacks", she justified, recalling the attack on the Prime Minister of Slovakia, Robert Fico, "who is a populist, a friend of Putin, who has been sowing these winds and now the spell has turned against the sorcerer".

In Ana Gomes' opinion, "it is not acceptable that the president of the Assembly of the Republic does not distance himself from this individual", since "it is not about cutting off freedom of expression", "nor is it about a case of defamation", it is about barring "a stigmatized, prejudiced and hate-inciting attack". "Therefore, the president of the Assembly of the Republic had to, at least, condemn the deputy, distance himself", she concluded.

Read Also: "Turcos" de Ventura dão bilhete para "linha vermelha" a PAR. Que se diz? (Portuguese version)

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